Contains a set of events that are available across the scope of the World.



This event fires for each BlockLocation destroyed by an explosion. It is fired after the blocks have already been destroyed.

import { world, BlockExplodeAfterEvent } from "@minecraft/server";

world.afterEvents.blockExplode.subscribe((event: BlockExplodeAfterEvent) => {
console.log("Block:", event.block);
console.log("Dimension:", event.dimension);
console.log("Exploded Block Permutation:", event.explodedBlockPermutation);
console.log("Source:", event.source);

// set block back

This event fires when a button is pushed.

import { world } from "@minecraft/server";

world.afterEvents.buttonPush.subscribe((event) => {
console.log("Button: ", event.block.typeId);
console.log("Dimension: ",;
console.log("Source: ", event.source.typeId);

This event is fired when an entity event has been triggered that will update the component definition state of an entity.

import { world, system, Entity } from "@minecraft/server";

// Event id to trigger to sheeps
const eventId = "minecraft:entity_spawned";

system.runInterval(() => {
for (let player of world.getAllPlayers()) {
let [entityRaycaseHit] = player.getEntitiesFromViewDirection({
maxDistance: 150,
if (!entityRaycaseHit) continue;
let entity = entityRaycaseHit.entity;

if (entity?.typeId === "minecraft:sheep") {

// Detect component groups that are added and removed, and other
// entity definition events fired when this event fires.
function listenTo(entity: Entity) {
const callback = world.afterEvents.dataDrivenEntityTrigger.subscribe(
(data) => {

data.getModifiers().forEach((modifier) => {
console.log("Triggers:", modifier.triggers);
{ entities: [entity], eventTypes: [eventId] }

This event fires when an effect, like poisoning, is added to an entity.

import { world } from "@minecraft/server";

const effectAddSubscription = world.afterEvents.effectAdd.subscribe(
(event) => {
console.log("Effect:", event.effect);
console.log("Entity:", event.entity);

// Your custom handling for the effect added event
// Example: Notify players, update UI, etc.
// Optionally provide EntityEventOptions to filter entities or entity types
entities: [
/* Array of specific Entity instances */
entityTypes: ["minecraft:creeper", "minecraft:player"], // Array of entity type IDs

// Later, you can unsubscribe when needed

This event fires when an entity dies.

import { world } from "@minecraft/server";

world.afterEvents.entityDie.subscribe((event) => {
`${event.deadEntity.typeId} died from ${event.damageSource}!`

This event fires when entity health changes in any degree.

import { world } from "@minecraft/server";

const healthChangedSubscription =
(event) => {
console.log("Entity:", event.entity);
console.log("Old Health:", event.oldValue);
console.log("New Health:", event.newValue);

// Your custom handling for entity health change event
// Example: Display a message, update UI, etc.
// Optionally provide EntityEventOptions to filter entities or entity types
entities: [
/* Array of specific Entity instances */
entityTypes: ["minecraft:player", "minecraft:zombie"], // Array of entity type IDs

// Later, you can unsubscribe when needed

This event fires when an entity hits (that is, melee attacks) a block.

import { world } from "@minecraft/server";

// Subscribes to the entityHitBlock event, triggering when an entity collides with a block.
world.afterEvents.entityHitBlock.subscribe((event) => {
const {
damagingEntity, // The entity that hit the block.
hitBlock, // The block that was hit.
} = event;

`${damagingEntity.typeId} hit a ${} at ${hitBlock.location.x}, ${hitBlock.location.y}, ${hitBlock.location.z}`

This event fires when an entity hits (that is, melee attacks) another entity.

import { world } from "@minecraft/server";
world.afterEvents.entityHitBlock.subscribe((event) => {
const location1 = event.damagingEntity.location;
const location2 = event.hitBlock.location;

const distance = Math.pow(
Math.pow(location2.x - location1.x, 2) +
Math.pow(location2.y - location1.y, 2) +
Math.pow(location2.z - location1.z, 2),

console.log("Distance: " + distance + " blocks");

This event fires when an entity is hurt (takes damage).

import { Player, world } from "@minecraft/server";
world.afterEvents.entityHurt.subscribe((event) => {
if (event.hurtEntity instanceof Player) {
"You were hurt from " + event.damageSource.cause + "!"

Fires when an entity is loaded.

import { world } from "@minecraft/server";

// Subscribe to the EntityLoadAfterEvent
const entityLoadSubscription = world.afterEvents.entityLoad.subscribe(
(event) => {
// Handle the entity load event
world.sendMessage(`Entity loaded: ${event.entity.typeId}`);
// Unsubscribe so the message doesn't appear after fired

Fires when an entity is removed (for example, potentially unloaded, or removed after being killed).

// Script by WavePlayz

import { system, world } from "@minecraft/server";

// Subscribe to the entityRemove event, which is triggered when an entity is removed from the world
world.afterEvents.entityRemove.subscribe((eventData) => {
// Extract the type ID of the removed entity from the event data
const { typeId } = eventData;

// Send a message to all players in the world indicating that an entity of the given type has been removed
world.sendMessage(`Entity ${typeId} got removed`);

This script listens for the `entityRemove` event, which occurs when an entity is removed from the Minecraft world.

- **Event Subscription**:
The `world.afterEvents.entityRemove.subscribe` method registers a callback function to handle the event whenever an entity is removed.

- **Extracting Entity Type**:
The `typeId` property from the `eventData` object contains the identifier of the removed entity's type.

- **Sending a Message**:
The script constructs a message indicating which type of entity was removed and sends this message to all players in the world using `world.sendMessage`.

When an entity is removed (e.g., due to despawning, being killed, or otherwise removed), this script will automatically notify all players in the game with a message stating the type of the removed entity.

This event fires when an entity is spawned.

import { world } from "@minecraft/server";

// Subscribe to entitySpawn event, so it sends a message when an entity is spawn into a world.
world.afterEvents.entitySpawn.subscribe((event) => {
const { entity } = event;

// Sends a message to world.
world.sendMessage(`${entity.typeId} is spawned`);

This event is fired after an explosion occurs.

import { world } from "@minecraft/server";

// Subscribe to the ExplosionAfterEvent
const explosionSubscription = world.afterEvents.explosion.subscribe((event) => {
console.log(`Explosion occurred in dimension ${}`);

if (event.source) {
console.log(`Explosion source: ${event.source.typeId}`);
} else {
console.log(`Explosion source: None`);

const impactedBlocks = event.getImpactedBlocks();
console.log(`Impacted blocks: ${JSON.stringify(impactedBlocks)}`);

// ... Later in your code, when you want to unsubscribe

This event fires when a world.gameRules property has changed.

// Script by WavePlayz

import { world } from "@minecraft/server";

// Subscribe to the gameRuleChange event, which is triggered when a game rule is updated
world.afterEvents.gameRuleChange.subscribe((eventData) => {
// Extract the game rule name and its new value from the event data
const { rule, value } = eventData;

// Send a message to all players in the world indicating that a game rule has been updated
world.sendMessage(`Gamerule ${rule} updated to ${value}`);

This script listens for the `gameRuleChange` event, which occurs when a game rule is modified in Minecraft.

- **Event Subscription**:
The `world.afterEvents.gameRuleChange.subscribe` method registers a callback function to handle the event whenever a game rule changes.

- **Extracting Information**:
- `rule` provides the name of the game rule that was changed.
- `value` indicates the new value of the game rule.

- **Sending Notification**:
- The script constructs a message that includes the name of the updated game rule and its new value, then sends this message to all players in the world using `world.sendMessage`.

When a game rule is changed, this script automatically notifies all players with a message that includes the name of the updated game rule and its new value. This is useful for tracking changes to game rules and keeping players informed about the current game settings.

This event fires when a chargeable item completes charging.

// Script by WavePlayz

import { world } from "@minecraft/server";

// Subscribe to the itemCompleteUse event, which is triggered when a player completes using an item
world.afterEvents.itemCompleteUse.subscribe((eventData) => {
// Extract the player who used the item and the item stack from the event data
const { source, itemStack } = eventData;

// Construct a message indicating the player's name and the type of item they used
`Player ${} completed use of item (${itemStack.typeId})`

This script listens for the `itemCompleteUse` event, which occurs when a player finishes using an item in Minecraft.

- **Event Subscription**:
The `world.afterEvents.itemCompleteUse.subscribe` method registers a callback function to handle the event whenever an item use is completed.

- **Extracting Information**:
- `source` represents the player who used the item.
- `itemStack` provides details about the item stack, including its type ID.

- **Sending Notification**:
- The script constructs a message that includes the player's name and the type ID of the item they used. This message is then sent to all players in the world using `world.sendMessage`.

When a player completes using an item (such as consuming a potion or using a tool), this script sends a notification to all players in the game, indicating which player used which item. This can be useful for tracking item usage or for general game management.

This event fires when a chargeable item is released from charging.

// Script by WavePlayz

import { world } from "@minecraft/server";

// Subscribe to the `itemReleaseUse` event, which is triggered when a player releases the use of an item
world.afterEvents.itemReleaseUse.subscribe((eventData) => {
const { source, itemStack } = eventData;

`${} released the use of item ${itemStack.typeId}`

This event fires when a chargeable item starts charging.

// Script by WavePlayz

import { world } from "@minecraft/server";

// Subscribe to the `itemStartUse` event, which is triggered when a player starts using an item
world.afterEvents.itemStartUse.subscribe((eventData) => {
const { source, itemStack } = eventData;

world.sendMessage(`${} started using item ${itemStack.typeId}`);

This event fires when a player successfully uses an item or places a block by pressing the Use Item / Place Block button. If multiple blocks are placed, this event will only occur once at the beginning of the block placement. Note: This event cannot be used with Hoe or Axe items.

// Script by WavePlayz

import { world } from "@minecraft/server";

// Subscribe to the `itemStartUseOn` event, which is triggered when a player starts using an item on a block
world.afterEvents.itemStartUseOn.subscribe((eventData) => {
const { source, block, itemStack } = eventData;
const { x, y, z } = block.location;

`${} started using item ${itemStack.typeId} on block at ${x}, ${y}, ${z}`

This event fires when a chargeable item stops charging.

// Script by WavePlayz

import { world } from "@minecraft/server";

// Subscribe to the `itemStopUse` event, which is triggered when a player stops using an item
world.afterEvents.itemStopUse.subscribe((eventData) => {
const { source, itemStack } = eventData;

world.sendMessage(`${} stopped using item ${itemStack.typeId}`);

This event fires when a player releases the Use Item / Place Block button after successfully using an item. Note: This event cannot be used with Hoe or Axe items.

// Script by WavePlayz

import { world } from "@minecraft/server";

// Subscribe to the `itemStopUseOn` event, which is triggered when a player stops using an item on a block
world.afterEvents.itemStopUseOn.subscribe((eventData) => {
const { source, block, itemStack } = eventData;
const { x, y, z } = block.location;

`${} stopped using item ${itemStack.typeId} on block at ${x}, ${y}, ${z}`

This event fires when an item is successfully used by a player.

// Script by WavePlayz

import { world } from "@minecraft/server";

// Subscribe to the `itemUse` event, which is triggered when a player uses an item
world.afterEvents.itemUse.subscribe((eventData) => {
const { source, itemStack } = eventData;

world.sendMessage(`${} used item ${itemStack.typeId}`);

This event fires when an item is used on a block by a player.

// Script by WavePlayz

import { world } from "@minecraft/server";

// Subscribe to the `itemUseOn` event, which is triggered when a player uses an item on a block
world.afterEvents.itemUseOn.subscribe((eventData) => {
const { source, block, itemStack } = eventData;
const { x, y, z } = block.location;

`${} used item ${itemStack.typeId} on block at ${x}, ${y}, ${z}`

A lever has been pulled.

// Script by WavePlayz

import { world } from "@minecraft/server";

// Subscribe to the `leverAction` event, which is triggered when a player interacts with a lever
world.afterEvents.leverAction.subscribe((eventData) => {
const { source, block, powered } = eventData;
const { x, y, z } = block.location;

`${} toggled a lever at ${x}, ${y}, ${z}. Lever is now ${
powered ? "ON" : "OFF"

This event fires when a piston expands or retracts.

// Script by WavePlayz

import { world } from "@minecraft/server";

// Subscribe to the `pistonActivate` event, which is triggered when a piston extends or retracts
world.afterEvents.pistonActivate.subscribe((eventData) => {
const { block, isExpanding } = eventData;
const { x, y, z } = block.location;

`Piston at ${x}, ${y}, ${z} is ${
isExpanding ? "extending" : "retracting"

This event fires for a block that is broken by a player.

import { world } from "@minecraft/server";

world.afterEvents.playerBreakBlock.subscribe((event) => {
const { brokenBlockPermutation, player } = event;

if ( === "minecraft:grass") {
player.sendMessage("You broke a grass block!");

if ( === "minecraft:stone") {
player.sendMessage("You broke a stone block!");

Fires when a player moved to a different dimension.

// Script by WavePlayz

import { world } from "@minecraft/server";

// Subscribe to the `playerDimensionChange` event, which is triggered when a player changes dimensions
world.afterEvents.playerDimensionChange.subscribe((eventData) => {
const { player, fromDimension, toDimension } = eventData;

`${} moved from ${} to ${}`
// Script by WavePlayz

import { world } from "@minecraft/server";

// Subscribe to the `playerEmote` event, which is triggered when a player performs an emote
world.afterEvents.playerEmote.subscribe((eventData) => {
const { player, personaPieceId } = eventData;

world.sendMessage(`${} performed emote ${personaPieceId}`);
// Script by WavePlayz

import { world } from "@minecraft/server";

// Subscribe to the `playerGameModeChange` event, which is triggered when a player changes their game mode
world.afterEvents.playerGameModeChange.subscribe((eventData) => {
const { player, toGameMode } = eventData;

world.sendMessage(`${} changed game mode to ${toGameMode}`);

This event fires when a player's @minecraft/Server.InputMode changes.

playerInputPermissionCategoryChange: PlayerInputPermissionCategoryChangeAfterEventSignal

This event fires when a players input permissions change.

// Script by WavePlayz

import { world } from "@minecraft/server";

// Subscribe to the `playerInputPermissionCategoryChange` event, which is triggered when a player's input permissions change
world.afterEvents.playerInputPermissionCategoryChange.subscribe((eventData) => {
const { player, category, enabled } = eventData;

`${} ${
enabled ? "enabled" : "disabled"
} input permission category ${category}`

An event for when a player interacts with a block.

// Script by WavePlayz

import { world } from "@minecraft/server";

// Subscribe to the `playerInteractWithBlock` event, which is triggered when a player interacts with a block
world.afterEvents.playerInteractWithBlock.subscribe((eventData) => {
const { player, block } = eventData;
const { x, y, z } = block.location;

`${} interacted with block at ${x}, ${y}, ${z}`

This event fires when a player interacts with an entity.

// Script by WavePlayz

import { world } from "@minecraft/server";

// Subscribe to the `playerInteractWithEntity` event, which is triggered when a player interacts with an entity
world.afterEvents.playerInteractWithEntity.subscribe((eventData) => {
const { player, target, beforeItemStack, itemStack } = eventData;
const { x, y, z } = target.location;

if (!itemStack && !beforeItemStack) {
`${} interacted with entity at ${x}, ${y}, ${z}`
} else {
`${} interacted with entity at ${x}, ${y}, ${z} with ${beforeItemStack.typeId} (now ${itemStack.typeId})`

This event fires when a player joins a world. See also playerSpawn for another related event you can trap for when a player is spawned the first time within a world.

import { world } from "@minecraft/server";
world.afterEvents.playerJoin.subscribe(({ playerId, playerName }) => {
`Player ${playerName} (${playerId}) has just joined the world.`

This event fires when a player leaves a world.

import { world } from "@minecraft/server";
world.afterEvents.playerLeave.subscribe(({ playerId, playerName }) => {
`Player ${playerName} (${playerId}) has just left the world.`

This event fires for a block that is placed by a player.

// Script by WavePlayz

import { world } from "@minecraft/server";

// Subscribe to the `playerPlaceBlock` event, which is triggered when a player places a block
world.afterEvents.playerPlaceBlock.subscribe((eventData) => {
// Destructure the eventData to get the player who placed the block and the block itself
const { player, block } = eventData;

// Extract the x, y, and z coordinates from the block's location
const { x, y, z } = block.location;

// Format the coordinates as a string
const coordinates = `${x}, ${y}, ${z}`;

// Construct a message indicating which player placed which block and where
const message = `${} placed ${block.typeId} at location ${coordinates}`;

// Send the message to all players in the world

This event fires when a player spawns or respawns. Note that an additional flag within this event will tell you whether the player is spawning right after join vs. a respawn.

import { world } from "@minecraft/server";

world.afterEvents.playerSpawn.subscribe((eventData) => {
let { player, initialSpawn } = eventData;
if (!initialSpawn) return;

// This runs when the player joins the game for the first time!

A pressure plate has popped back up (i.e., there are no entities on the pressure plate.)

// Script by WavePlayz

import { world } from "@minecraft/server";

// Subscribe to the `pressurePlatePop` event, which is triggered when a player steps off a pressure plate
world.afterEvents.pressurePlatePop.subscribe((eventData) => {
// Extract the block (pressure plate) that was released
const { block } = eventData;

// Extract the x, y, and z coordinates from the block's location
const { x, y, z } = block.location;

// Format the coordinates as a string
const coordinates = `${x}, ${y}, ${z}`;

// Construct a message indicating that a pressure plate at a specific location was released
const message = `Pressure plate at location ${coordinates} was released`;

// Send the message to all players in the world

A pressure plate has pushed (at least one entity has moved onto a pressure plate.)

// Script by WavePlayz

import { world } from "@minecraft/server";

// Subscribe to the `pressurePlatePush` event, which is triggered when a player steps on a pressure plate
world.afterEvents.pressurePlatePush.subscribe((eventData) => {
// Extract the source entity (the player who stepped on the pressure plate) and the block (pressure plate)
const { source, block } = eventData;

// Extract the x, y, and z coordinates from the block's location
const { x, y, z } = block.location;

// Format the coordinates as a string
const coordinates = `${x}, ${y}, ${z}`;

// Construct a message indicating which player stepped on the pressure plate and where
const message = `${} stepped on a pressure plate at location ${coordinates}`;

// Send the message to all players in the world

This event fires when a projectile hits a block.

// Script by WavePlayz

import { world } from "@minecraft/server";

// Subscribe to the `projectileHitBlock` event, which is triggered when a projectile hits a block
world.afterEvents.projectileHitBlock.subscribe((eventData) => {
// Extract the source entity (the one that shot the projectile)
const { source } = eventData;

// Retrieve the block that was hit by the projectile
const hitBlock = eventData.getBlockHit()?.block;

// Check if the hitBlock is valid
if (hitBlock) {
// Extract the x, y, and z coordinates from the hitBlock's location
const { x, y, z } = hitBlock.location;

// Format the coordinates as a string
const coordinates = `${x}, ${y}, ${z}`;

// Construct a message indicating which player hit which block and where
const message = `${} hit the block at location ${coordinates}`;

// Send the message to all players in the world

This event fires when a projectile hits an entity.

// Script by WavePlayz

import { Player, world } from "@minecraft/server";

// Subscribe to the `projectileHitEntity` event, which is triggered when a projectile hits an entity
world.afterEvents.projectileHitEntity.subscribe((eventData) => {
// Destructure the eventData to get the source entity (the one that shot the projectile)
const { source } = eventData;

// Get the entity that was hit by the projectile
const hitEntity = eventData.getEntityHit()?.entity;

// Check if the hitEntity is valid
if (hitEntity && source instanceof Player) {
// Extract the x, y, and z coordinates from the hitEntity's location
const { x, y, z } = hitEntity.location;

// Create a string representing the coordinates in the format "x, y, z"
const coordinates = `${x}, ${y}, ${z}`;

// Construct a message indicating which player hit which entity and where
const message = `${} hit the entity at location ${coordinates}`;

// Send the message to all players in the world

// Immediately kill the hit entity

A target block was hit.

// Script by WavePlayz

import { world } from "@minecraft/server";

// Subscribe to the `targetBlockHit` event, which is triggered when a player hits a block
world.afterEvents.targetBlockHit.subscribe((eventData) => {
// Destructure the `eventData` to get the source entity (player) and hit location
const { source, hitVector } = eventData;

// Extract the x, y, and z coordinates from the hitVector
const { x, y, z } = hitVector;

// Create a string representing the coordinates in the format "x, y, z"
const coordinates = `${x}, ${y}, ${z}`;

// Construct a message indicating which player hit the block and where
const message = `${} hit a target block at ${coordinates}`;

// Send the message to all players in the world

This script listens for the `targetBlockHit` event, which occurs whenever a player hits a block.
When the event is triggered:
- It retrieves the player who hit the block (`source`) and the location where the block was hit (`hitVector`).
- It formats the location coordinates and constructs a message with the player's name and coordinates.
- It then sends this message to all players in the world, so everyone knows who hit a block and where.

A trip wire was tripped.

// Script by WavePlayz

This event will be triggered when the weather changes within Minecraft.

// Script by WavePlayz

import { world } from "@minecraft/server";

// Subscribe to the weatherChange event, which is triggered when the weather changes in the world
world.afterEvents.weatherChange.subscribe((eventData) => {
const { dimension, previousWeather, newWeather } = eventData;

// Send a message to all players indicating the weather change details
`Weather changed from ${previousWeather} to ${newWeather} in dimension ${dimension}`

This event fires when the script environment is initialized on a World.

// Script by WavePlayz

import { world } from "@minecraft/server";

// Subscribe to the worldInitialize event, which is triggered when the world is initialized
world.afterEvents.worldInitialize.subscribe(() => {
console.warn("World has been initialized");