Contains the input information for a client instance.



lastInputModeUsed: InputMode

The last input mode used by the player.

This property can throw when used.



touchOnlyAffectsHotbar: boolean

Whether the player touch input only affects the touchbar or not.

This property can throw when used.



  • Beta

    Returns Vector2

    This function can throw errors.


    // Script by JaylyMC

    import { system, world } from "@minecraft/server";
    * @description
    * Retrieve player's movement direction. This works with players with inputpermission disabled.
    * This complex function is made specificallly for players with joystick control mode.
    * Because dragging the joystick can result in a range of float values, unlike D-Pad or any other controls.
    * @param player player's movement vector to retrieve
    * @returns movement direction
    * Reference for movement vector, for keyboard movement control:
    * - Walk forward: `(0, 1)`
    * - Walk backward: `(0, -1)`
    * - Strafe left: `(1, 0)`
    * - Strafe right: `(-1, 0)`
    * - Not moving: `(0, 0)`
    function getPlayerControlMovement(player) {
    var movement = player.inputInfo.getMovementVector();
    // Threshold to classify directions
    var threshold = 0.5;
    // Determine the normalized direction
    var normalizedX =
    Math.abs(movement.x) >= threshold ? (movement.x > 0 ? 1 : -1) : 0;
    var normalizedY =
    Math.abs(movement.y) >= threshold ? (movement.y > 0 ? 1 : -1) : 0;
    // Define direction based on normalized x and y
    if (normalizedX === 0 && normalizedY === 1) return "Forward";
    if (normalizedX === 0 && normalizedY === -1) return "Backward";
    if (normalizedX === 1 && normalizedY === 0) return "Left";
    if (normalizedX === -1 && normalizedY === 0) return "Right";
    if (normalizedX === 1 && normalizedY === 1) return "Forward-left";
    if (normalizedX === -1 && normalizedY === 1) return "Forward-right";
    if (normalizedX === 1 && normalizedY === -1) return "Backward-left";
    if (normalizedX === -1 && normalizedY === -1) return "Backward-right";
    if (normalizedX === 0 && normalizedY === 0) return "None";
    // Handle unexpected cases
    return "Unknown";
    // Example to display movement control
    system.runInterval(function () {
    world.getAllPlayers().forEach(function (player) {
    var status = getPlayerControlMovement(player);
    player.onScreenDisplay.setActionBar("Movement: ".concat(status));
    // Script by JaylyMC

    import { Player, system, world } from "@minecraft/server";

    // Movement direction enum
    enum MovementDirection {
    Forward = "Forward",
    Backward = "Backward",
    Left = "Left",
    Right = "Right",
    ForwardLeft = "Forward-left",
    ForwardRight = "Forward-right",
    BackwardLeft = "Backward-left",
    BackwardRight = "Backward-right",
    None = "None",
    Unknown = "Unknown",

    * @description
    * Retrieve player's movement direction. This works with players with inputpermission disabled.
    * This complex function is made specificallly for players with joystick control mode.
    * Because dragging the joystick can result in a range of float values, unlike D-Pad or any other controls.
    * @param player player's movement vector to retrieve
    * @returns movement direction
    * Reference for movement vector, for keyboard movement control:
    * - Walk forward: `(0, 1)`
    * - Walk backward: `(0, -1)`
    * - Strafe left: `(1, 0)`
    * - Strafe right: `(-1, 0)`
    * - Not moving: `(0, 0)`
    function getPlayerControlMovement(player: Player): string {
    const movement = player.inputInfo.getMovementVector();
    // Threshold to classify directions
    const threshold = 0.5;

    // Determine the normalized direction
    const normalizedX =
    Math.abs(movement.x) >= threshold ? (movement.x > 0 ? 1 : -1) : 0;
    const normalizedY =
    Math.abs(movement.y) >= threshold ? (movement.y > 0 ? 1 : -1) : 0;

    // Define direction based on normalized x and y
    if (normalizedX === 0 && normalizedY === 1)
    return MovementDirection.Forward;
    if (normalizedX === 0 && normalizedY === -1)
    return MovementDirection.Backward;
    if (normalizedX === 1 && normalizedY === 0) return MovementDirection.Left;
    if (normalizedX === -1 && normalizedY === 0) return MovementDirection.Right;
    if (normalizedX === 1 && normalizedY === 1)
    return MovementDirection.ForwardLeft;
    if (normalizedX === -1 && normalizedY === 1)
    return MovementDirection.ForwardRight;
    if (normalizedX === 1 && normalizedY === -1)
    return MovementDirection.BackwardLeft;
    if (normalizedX === -1 && normalizedY === -1)
    return MovementDirection.BackwardRight;
    if (normalizedX === 0 && normalizedY === 0) return MovementDirection.None;

    // Handle unexpected cases
    return MovementDirection.Unknown;

    // Example to display movement control
    system.runInterval(() => {
    world.getAllPlayers().forEach((player) => {
    const status = getPlayerControlMovement(player);
    player.onScreenDisplay.setActionBar(`Movement: ${status}`);