Settings used with AimAssistRegistry.addCategory for creation of the AimAssistCategory.

Required Experiments:

  • Camera Aim Assist


  • Parameters

    • identifier: string

    Returns AimAssistCategorySettings

    Constructor that takes a unique Id to associate with the created AimAssistCategory. Must have a namespace.


defaultBlockPriority: number

Optional. Default targeting priority used for block types not provided to setBlockPriorities.

This property can't be edited in read-only mode.

defaultEntityPriority: number

Optional. Default targeting priority used for entity types not provided to setEntityPriorities.

This property can't be edited in read-only mode.

identifier: string

The unique Id used to register the category with. Must have a namespace.


  • Returns Record<string, number>

    The record mapping block Ids to their priority settings. Larger numbers have greater priority.

    Gets the priority settings used for block targeting.

  • Returns Record<string, number>

    The record mapping entity Ids to their priority settings. Larger numbers have greater priority.

    Gets the priority settings used for entity targeting.

  • Parameters

    • blockPriorities: Record<string, number>

      A record mapping block Ids to their priority settings. Larger numbers have greater priority.

    Returns void

    Sets the priority settings used for block targeting.

  • Parameters

    • entityPriorities: Record<string, number>

      A record mapping entity Ids to their priority settings. Larger numbers have greater priority.

    Returns void

    Sets the priority settings used for entity targeting.