Executes a set of steps defined via chained .thenXyz methods, sequentially. This facilitates a 'script' of GameTest setup methods and assertions over time.



  • Parameters

    • callback: () => void

      Callback function to execute.

    Returns GameTestSequence

    Returns a GameTestSequence object where additional .thenXyz method steps can be added.

    Runs the given callback as a step within a GameTest sequence. Exceptions thrown within the callback will end sequence execution.

    This function can't be called in read-only mode.

  • Parameters

    • delayTicks: number

      Number of ticks to wait before executing the callback.

    • callback: () => void

      Callback function to execute.

    Returns GameTestSequence

    Returns a GameTestSequence object where additional .thenXyz method steps can be added.

    After a delay, runs the given callback as a step within a GameTest sequence. Exceptions thrown within the callback will end sequence execution.

    This function can't be called in read-only mode.

  • Parameters

    • tickCount: number
    • callback: () => void

      Callback function to execute.

    Returns GameTestSequence

    Returns a GameTestSequence object where additional .thenXyz method steps can be added.

    Runs the given callback every tick for the given number of ticks.

    This function can't be called in read-only mode.

  • Parameters

    • errorMessage: string

      Error message summarizing the failure condition.

    Returns void

    Causes the test to fail if this step in the GameTest sequence is reached.

    This function can't be called in read-only mode.

  • Parameters

    • delayTicks: number

      Number of ticks to delay for this step in the GameTest sequence.

    Returns GameTestSequence

    Returns a GameTestSequence object where additional .thenXyz method steps can be added.

    Idles the GameTest sequence for the specified delayTicks.

    This function can't be called in read-only mode.

  • Returns void

    Marks the GameTest a success if this step is reached in the GameTest sequence.

    This function can't be called in read-only mode.

  • Parameters

    • callback: () => void

      Testing callback function to execute. Typically, this function will have .assertXyz functions within it.

    Returns GameTestSequence

    Returns a GameTestSequence object where additional .thenXyz method steps can be added.

    Executes the given callback every tick until it succeeds. Exceptions thrown within the callback will end sequence execution.

    This function can't be called in read-only mode.

  • Parameters

    • delayTicks: number

      Tick (after the previous step in the GameTest sequence) to run the callback at.

    • callback: () => void

      Testing callback function to execute. Typically, this function will have .assertXyz functions within it.

    Returns GameTestSequence

    Returns a GameTestSequence object where additional .thenXyz method steps can be added.

    After a delay from the previous step, executes the given callback every tick until it succeeds. Exceptions thrown within the callback will end sequence execution.

    This function can't be called in read-only mode.