after// Script by WavePlayz
import { system, world, Player } from "@minecraft/server";
// Subscribe to the scriptEventReceive event, which is triggered when a custom script event is received
system.afterEvents.scriptEventReceive.subscribe((event) => {
const { message, sourceEntity } = event;
// Check if the source entity is a player
if (sourceEntity instanceof Player) {
// If the received message is "hi"
if (message === "hi") {
// Get the player's name
let playerName =;
// Send a greeting message back to the player
sourceEntity.sendMessage(`hello ${playerName}`);
Run the following command in Minecraft to trigger this script event:
/scriptevent foo:bar hi
This will cause the script to detect the event and respond with a message
"hello [playerName]", where [playerName] is the name of the player who ran the command.
current// Script by WavePlayz
import { system, world } from "@minecraft/server";
// A function that will be executed periodically
function looper() {
// Send a message to all players in the world with the current game tick count
world.sendMessage(`Current tick: ${system.currentTick}`);
// Define constants for time intervals in ticks
const TICKS_IN_SEC = 20; // 20 ticks per second (Minecraft runs at 20 ticks per second)
const TICKS_IN_20_SECS = TICKS_IN_SEC * 20; // 20 seconds in ticks (20 ticks/second * 20 seconds = 400 ticks)
// Set up the looper function to run every 20 seconds in the game
system.runInterval(looper, TICKS_IN_20_SECS);
This script sends a message to all players in the game every 20 seconds,
displaying the current tick count in the Minecraft world.
The message will appear as:
"Current tick: [currentTick]"
where [currentTick] is the current game tick at the time the message is sent.
serverThe job ID returned from System.runJob.
Cancels the execution of a job queued via System.runJob.
This function can be called in early-execution mode.
// Script by WavePlayz
import { system, world } from "@minecraft/server";
* Variable to hold the job reference for later management
* @type {number}
let job;
* A generator function to continuously monitor if any players are sneaking
* @returns {Generator<void, void, void>}
function* generatorFunction() {
// Infinite loop to create a long-running task
while (true) {
// Retrieve the list of all players currently in the world
let worldPlayers = world.getAllPlayers();
// If no players are found, stop the job and exit the function
if (worldPlayers.length === 0) {
system.clearJob(job); // Clear the running job
return; // Exit the generator function
// Iterate over each player in the world
for (let worldPlayer of worldPlayers) {
// Check if the player is sneaking
if (worldPlayer.isSneaking) {
// Display an alert message on the player's action bar
"[Alert] You are now sneaking"
// Pause the generator function until the next game tick
// Create an instance of the generator function
const generator = generatorFunction();
// Start the generator function as a periodic job in the game system
job = system.runJob(generator);
Cancels the execution of a function run that was previously scheduled via
This function can be called in early-execution mode.
import { system } from "@minecraft/server";
const runId = => {
console.log("Running callback function...");
// Clear the run, so it will not run again.
// by WavePlayz
import { system, world } from "@minecraft/server";
* @type {number}
let interval;
// A function to check if any player in the world is sneaking
function looper() {
// Retrieve all players currently in the world
let worldPlayers = world.getAllPlayers();
// If no players are found, stop the job and exit the function
if (worldPlayers.length === 0) {
system.clearRun(interval); // Clear the running job
return; // Exit the generator function
// Iterate over each player in the world
for (let worldPlayer of worldPlayers) {
// If the player is sneaking, display an alert on their action bar
if (worldPlayer.isSneaking) {
"[Alert] You are now sneaking"
// Run the generator function as a periodic job in the game system
interval = system.runInterval(looper);
Function callback to run at the next game tick.
An opaque identifier that can be used with the clearRun
function to cancel the execution of this run.
Runs a specified function at the next available future time. This is frequently used to implement delayed behaviors and game loops. When run within the context of an event handler, this will generally run the code at the end of the same tick where the event occurred. When run in other code (a callout), this will run the function in the next tick. Note, however, that depending on load on the system, running in the same or next tick is not guaranteed.
This function can be called in early-execution mode.
Functional code that will run when this interval occurs.
tickInterval: numberAn interval of every N ticks that the callback will be called upon.
An opaque handle that can be used with the clearRun method to stop the run of this function on an interval.
import { world, system, DimensionLocation } from "@minecraft/server";
function every30Seconds(targetLocation: DimensionLocation) {
const intervalRunIdentifier = Math.floor(Math.random() * 10000);
system.runInterval(() => {
world.sendMessage("This is an interval run " + intervalRunIdentifier + " sending a message every 30 seconds.");
}, 600);
// by WavePlayz
import { system, world } from "@minecraft/server";
// A function to check if any player in the world is sneaking
function looper() {
// Retrieve all players currently in the world
let worldPlayers = world.getAllPlayers();
// Iterate over each player in the world
for (let worldPlayer of worldPlayers) {
// If the player is sneaking, display an alert on their action bar
if (worldPlayer.isSneaking) {
"[Alert] You are now sneaking"
// Attach the looper function as interval in the game system
The instance of the generator to run.
An opaque handle that can be used with System.clearJob to stop the run of this generator.
Queues a generator to run until completion. The generator will be given a time slice each tick, and will be run until it yields or completes.
This function can be called in early-execution mode.
import { system, BlockPermutation, DimensionLocation } from "@minecraft/server";
function cubeGenerator(targetLocation: DimensionLocation) {
const blockPerm = BlockPermutation.resolve("minecraft:cobblestone");
system.runJob(blockPlacingGenerator(blockPerm, targetLocation, 15));
function* blockPlacingGenerator(blockPerm: BlockPermutation, startingLocation: DimensionLocation, size: number) {
for (let x = startingLocation.x; x < startingLocation.x + size; x++) {
for (let y = startingLocation.y; y < startingLocation.y + size; y++) {
for (let z = startingLocation.z; z < startingLocation.z + size; z++) {
const block = startingLocation.dimension.getBlock({ x: x, y: y, z: z });
if (block) {
// by WavePlayz
import { system, world } from "@minecraft/server";
* A generator function to continuously monitor if any players are sneaking
* @returns {Generator<void, void, void>}
function* generatorFunction() {
// Long running task
while (true) {
// Retrieve all players currently in the world
let worldPlayers = world.getAllPlayers();
// Iterate over each player in the world
for (let worldPlayer of worldPlayers) {
// If the player is sneaking, display an alert on their action bar
if (worldPlayer.isSneaking) {
"[Alert] You are now sneaking"
// Pause the generator function until the next game tick
// Create an instance of the generator function
const generator = generatorFunction();
// Run the generator function as a periodic job in the game system
Functional code that will run when this timeout occurs.
tickDelay: numberAmount of time, in ticks, before the interval will be called.
An opaque handle that can be used with the clearRun method to stop the run of this function on an interval.
Identifier of the message to send. This is custom and dependent on the kinds of behavior packs and content you may have installed within the world.
Data component of the message to send. This is custom and dependent on the kinds of behavior packs and content you may have installed within the world. Message may not exceed 2048 characters in length.
Causes an event to fire within script with the specified message ID and payload.
This function can't be called in read-only mode.
The amount of ticks to wait. Minimum value is 1.
A promise that is resolved when the specified amount of ticks have occurred.
waitTicks returns a promise that resolves after the requested number of ticks.
This function can be called in early-execution mode.
// Script by WavePlayz
import { Player, system, world } from "@minecraft/server";
// Subscribe to the entityHurt event, which triggers whenever an entity takes damage
world.afterEvents.entityHurt.subscribe(async (eventData) => {
// Extract the hurt entity and damage amount from the event data
const { hurtEntity, damage } = eventData;
// Wait for a number of game ticks equal to the damage value before proceeding
await system.waitTicks(damage);
// Attempt to get the health component of the hurt entity
const health = hurtEntity.getComponent("health");
// If the entity has a health component, reset its health to the maximum value
if (health != null) {
health.resetToMaxValue(); // Reset the entity's health to full
// Send a message to the entity (if it supports receiving messages)
if (hurtEntity instanceof Player) {
hurtEntity.sendMessage("Health reset");
A class that provides system-level events and functions.