Represents the fluid container of a block in the world. Used with blocks like cauldrons.
Block instance that this component pertains to.
Relative fill level of the fluid container.
This property can't be edited in read-only mode.
Custom color of the fluid in the container.
Identifier of the component.
Adds a dye to the fluid. The dye color is combined with any existing custom color.
This function can't be called in read-only mode.
This function can throw errors.
Gets the current fluid type in the container.
Whether the component is valid.
Returns whether the component is valid. A component is considered valid if its owner is valid, in addition to any addition to any additional validation required by the component.
Sets the current fluid type in the container.
Sets a potion item in the container. Changes the container's fluid type to potion.
Represents the fluid container of a block in the world. Used with blocks like cauldrons.