Defines a JSON structure that is used for more flexible.

import { DimensionLocation, world, BlockPermutation, BlockComponentTypes } from '@minecraft/server';

function placeTranslatedSign(location: DimensionLocation, text: string) {
const signBlock = location.dimension.getBlock(location);

if (!signBlock) {
console.warn('Could not find a block at specified location.');
const signPerm = BlockPermutation.resolve('minecraft:standing_sign', { ground_sign_direction: 8 });

const signComponent = signBlock.getComponent(BlockComponentTypes.Sign);
if (signComponent) {
signComponent.setText({ translate: '', with: [text] });
} else {
console.error('Could not find a sign component on the block.');

dimension: world.getDimension('overworld'),
x: 0,
y: 0,
z: 0,
import { world, Player } from '@minecraft/server';
import { MessageFormData, MessageFormResponse } from '@minecraft/server-ui';

function showMessage(player: Player) {
const messageForm = new MessageFormData()
.title({ translate: 'permissions.removeplayer' })
.body({ translate: 'accessibility.list.or.two', with: ['Player 1', 'Player 2'] })
.button1('Player 1')
.button2('Player 2');

.then((formData: MessageFormResponse) => {
// player canceled the form, or another dialog was up and open.
if (formData.canceled || formData.selection === undefined) {

console.warn(`You selected ${formData.selection === 0 ? 'Player 1' : 'Player 2'}`);
.catch((error: Error) => {
console.warn('Failed to show form: ' + error);

import { RawText, world } from "@minecraft/server";

world.afterEvents.entityDie.subscribe((event) => {
const rawtext: RawText = {
rawtext: [
{ text: "§a" },
translate: "death.attack.generic",
with: [event.deadEntity.typeId],
interface RawMessage {
    rawtext?: RawMessage[];
    score?: RawMessageScore;
    text?: string;
    translate?: string;
    with?: string[] | RawMessage;


rawtext?: RawMessage[]

Provides a raw-text equivalent of the current message.

Provides a token that will get replaced with the value of a score.

text?: string

Provides a string literal value to use.

translate?: string

Provides a translation token where, if the client has an available resource in the players' language which matches the token, will get translated on the client.

with?: string[] | RawMessage

Arguments for the translation token. Can be either an array of strings or RawMessage containing an array of raw text objects.