Property pane present dynamic content. It can be associated with an object and presented with different kind of controls.

interface IPropertyPane {
    collapsed: boolean;
    id: string;
    onPropertyPaneVisibilityUpdated: EventSink<PropertyPaneVisibilityUpdate>;
    parentPaneId?: string;
    title: string;
    visible: boolean;
    width?: number;
        options?: IPropertyItemOptionsBlockList,
    ): IBlockListPropertyItem<{ EMPTY: undefined }, "EMPTY">;
    addBlockPicker<T extends PropertyBag, Prop extends string>(
        obj: T,
        property: Prop,
        options?: IPropertyItemOptionsDataPicker,
    ): IPropertyItem<T, Prop>;
        value: IObservableProp<boolean>,
        options?: IBoolPropertyItemOptions,
    ): IBoolPropertyItem;
    addBool_deprecated<T extends PropertyBag, Prop extends string>(
        obj: T,
        property: Prop,
        options?: IPropertyItemOptionsBool,
    ): IPropertyItem<T, Prop>;
        action: RegisteredAction<NoArgsAction> | () => void,
        options?: IButtonPropertyItemOptions,
    ): IButtonPropertyItem;
    addColorPicker<T extends PropertyBag, Prop extends string>(
        obj: T,
        property: Prop,
        options?: IPropertyItemOptionsColorPicker,
    ): IPropertyItem<T, Prop>;
    addDivider(): IPropertyItemBase;
        T extends Omit<PropertyBag, Prop> & { [key in string]: number },
        Prop extends string,
        obj: T,
        property: Prop,
        options?: IPropertyItemOptionsDropdown,
    ): IDropdownPropertyItem<T, Prop>;
    addEntityPicker<T extends PropertyBag, Prop extends string>(
        obj: T,
        property: Prop,
        options?: IPropertyItemOptionsDataPicker,
    ): IPropertyItem<T, Prop>;
        value: IObservableProp<string | ImageResourceData>,
        options?: IImagePropertyItemOptions,
    ): IImagePropertyItem;
    addNumber<T extends PropertyBag, Prop extends string>(
        obj: T,
        property: Prop,
        options?: IPropertyItemOptionsNumber,
    ): IPropertyItem<T, Prop>;
    addString<T extends PropertyBag, Prop extends string>(
        obj: T,
        property: Prop,
        options?: IPropertyItemOptions,
    ): IPropertyItem<T, Prop>;
        options?: IPropertyItemOptionsTable,
    ): ITablePropertyItem<{ EMPTY: undefined }, "EMPTY">;
        value: IObservableProp<LocalizedString>,
        options?: ITextPropertyItemOptions,
    ): ITextPropertyItem;
        value: IObservableProp<Vector3>,
        options?: IVector3PropertyItemOptions,
    ): IVector3PropertyItem;
    addVector3_deprecated<T extends PropertyBag, Prop extends string>(
        obj: T,
        property: Prop,
        options?: IPropertyItemOptionsVector3,
    ): IVector3PropertyItem_deprecated<T, Prop>;
    collapse(): void;
    createPropertyPane(options: IPropertyPaneOptions): IPropertyPane;
    expand(): void;
    hide(): void;
    removePropertyPane(paneToRemove: IPropertyPane): boolean;
    show(): void;


collapsed: boolean

Pane state for being expanded or collapsed.

id: string

Unique ID for the property pane.

onPropertyPaneVisibilityUpdated: EventSink<PropertyPaneVisibilityUpdate>

Provides visibility change events

parentPaneId?: string

In case of sub pane this is the id of the parent pane.

title: string

Localized title of the property pane

visible: boolean

Check visibility of the pane

width?: number

Width of the panel in rem.


  • Beta

    Returns void

    Collapse the pane.

  • Beta

    Returns void

    Expand the pane.

  • Beta

    Returns void

    Hide the pane.

  • Beta


    Returns boolean

    Removes a child property pane from the parent pane.

  • Beta

    Returns void

    Show the pane and all of its property items.