Represents the inventory of a block in the world. Used with blocks like chests.

import { ItemStack, BlockInventoryComponent, DimensionLocation } from "@minecraft/server";
import { MinecraftBlockTypes, MinecraftItemTypes } from "@minecraft/vanilla-data";

function placeItemsInChest(log: (message: string, status?: number) => void, targetLocation: DimensionLocation) {
// Fetch block
const block = targetLocation.dimension.getBlock(targetLocation);

if (!block) {
log("Could not find block. Maybe it is not loaded?", -1);

// Make it a chest

// Get the inventory
const inventoryComponent = block.getComponent("inventory") as BlockInventoryComponent;

if (!inventoryComponent || !inventoryComponent.container) {
log("Could not find inventory component.", -1);

const inventoryContainer = inventoryComponent.container;

// Set slot 0 to a stack of 10 apples
inventoryContainer.setItem(0, new ItemStack(MinecraftItemTypes.Apple, 10));

Hierarchy (View Summary)






block: Block

Block instance that this component pertains to.

container?: Container

The container which holds an ItemStack.

This property can throw when used.

// Script by WavePlayz

import { world } from "@minecraft/server";

// Subscribe to the event that triggers when a player interacts with a block
world.afterEvents.playerInteractWithBlock.subscribe((eventData) => {
// Extract the player and block objects from the event data
const { player, block } = eventData;

// Get the inventory component of the block
let inventoryComponent = block.getComponent("inventory");

// Check if the block has an inventory component
if (inventoryComponent == null) {
// Send a message to the player if the block does not have an inventory
player.sendMessage(`The block does not have an inventory component.`);
return; // Exit the function early

// Get the inventory container from the inventory component
const inventoryContainer = inventoryComponent.container;

// Destructure the empty slots count and total size from the inventory container
let { emptySlotsCount, size } = inventoryContainer;

// Send a message to the player with the number of free slots in the inventory
player.sendMessage(`${emptySlotsCount} out of ${size} slots are free.`);
typeId: string

Identifier of the component.

componentId: "minecraft:inventory" = 'minecraft:inventory'


  • Returns boolean

    Whether the component is valid.

    Returns whether the component is valid. A component is considered valid if its owner is valid, in addition to any addition to any additional validation required by the component.