If added onto the entity, this indicates that the entity represents a free-floating item in the world. Lets you retrieve the actual item stack contents via the itemStack property.

import { EntityItemComponent, EntityComponentTypes, DimensionLocation } from "@minecraft/server";

function testThatEntityIsFeatherItem(
log: (message: string, status?: number) => void,
targetLocation: DimensionLocation
) {
const items = targetLocation.dimension.getEntities({
location: targetLocation,
maxDistance: 20,

for (const item of items) {
const itemComp = item.getComponent(EntityComponentTypes.Item) as EntityItemComponent;

if (itemComp) {
if (itemComp.itemStack.typeId.endsWith("feather")) {
log("Success! Found a feather", 1);
import { world } from "@minecraft/server";

world.afterEvents.entitySpawn.subscribe((event) => {
const itemEntity = event.entity;
if (itemEntity.typeId !== "minecraft:item") return;
const item = itemEntity.getComponent("item");
item.itemStack.setLore(["Hello Player"]);

Hierarchy (View Summary)






entity: Entity

The entity that owns this component. The entity will be undefined if it has been removed.

itemStack: ItemStack

Item stack represented by this entity in the world.

This property can throw when used.

typeId: string

Identifier of the component.

componentId: "minecraft:item" = 'minecraft:item'


  • Returns boolean

    Whether the component is valid.

    Returns whether the component is valid. A component is considered valid if its owner is valid, in addition to any addition to any additional validation required by the component.