Defines the entity's color. Only works on certain entities that have predefined color values (e.g., sheep, llama, shulker).

import { system, world } from "@minecraft/server";

system.runInterval(() => {
const players = world.getAllPlayers();
for (const player of players) {
const hits = player.getEntitiesFromViewDirection({
type: "minecraft:sheep",
for (const hit of hits) {
const color = hit.entity.getComponent("color");
player.sendMessage(`Sheep Color value: ${color.value}`);
}, 1000);

Hierarchy (View Summary)






entity: Entity

The entity that owns this component. The entity will be undefined if it has been removed.

typeId: string

Identifier of the component.

value: number

Value of this particular color.

This property can't be edited in read-only mode.

componentId: "minecraft:color" = 'minecraft:color'


  • Returns boolean

    Whether the component is valid.

    Returns whether the component is valid. A component is considered valid if its owner is valid, in addition to any addition to any additional validation required by the component.