Manages callbacks that are connected to an event that fires before chat messages are sent.

import { world, DimensionLocation } from "@minecraft/server";

function customCommand(targetLocation: DimensionLocation) {
const chatCallback = world.beforeEvents.chatSend.subscribe((eventData) => {
if (eventData.message.includes("cancel")) {
// Cancel event if the message contains "cancel"
eventData.cancel = true;
} else {
const args = eventData.message.split(" ");

if (args.length > 0) {
switch (args[0].toLowerCase()) {
case "echo":
// Send a modified version of chat message
world.sendMessage(`Echo '${eventData.message.substring(4).trim()}'`);
case "help":
world.sendMessage(`Available commands: echo <message>`);
import { world } from "@minecraft/server";

// Subscribe to the blockExplode event
world.beforeEvents.chatSend.subscribe((event) => {
const { sender, message } = event;
console.log(`${}: ${message}`);

event.cancel = true; // Cancel message to be sent if needed.





  • Parameters

    Returns (arg0: ChatSendBeforeEvent) => void

    Adds a callback that will be called before new chat messages are sent.

    This function can't be called in read-only mode.

    This function can be called in early-execution mode.

  • Parameters

    Returns void

    Removes a callback from being called before new chat messages are sent.

    This function can't be called in read-only mode.

    This function can be called in early-execution mode.