The Transaction Manager is responsible for tracking and managing all of the registered transaction operations which represent creator changes in the world. Transaction Manager is the basis of the UNDO and REDO operations, and allows a creator to store the changes made to the world and the state of the world BEFORE those changes were applied, making it possible to UNDO those changes and restore the world state. The transactions are stored as a stack, and can be undone in stack order to restore the world to it's original state


  • TransactionManager



  • Parameters

    Returns boolean


    This function can't be called in read-only mode.


    This function can throw errors.


  • Parameters

    Returns void


    This function can't be called in read-only mode.


    This function can throw errors.

  • Returns boolean


    Commit all of the transaction operations currently attached to the open transaction record to the manager. These will be added as a single transaction manager entry. The open record will be closed and all tracking operations will cease.

    This function can't be called in read-only mode.


    This function can throw errors.

  • Returns number

    Returns the number of change requests that were being tracked


    This function will commit the pending changes caused by any of the track changes variants. The changes will be committed to the currently open transaction, but the transaction will remain open for further records. Pending block changes from tracking operations will be added to the transaction record before submission to the transaction manager

    This function can't be called in read-only mode.


    This function can throw errors.

  • Parameters

    • undoClosure: ((arg) => void)
        • (arg): void
        • Parameters

          • arg: string

          Returns void

    • redoClosure: ((arg) => void)
        • (arg): void
        • Parameters

          • arg: string

          Returns void

    Returns UserDefinedTransactionHandlerId


    This function can't be called in read-only mode.


    This function can throw errors.

  • Returns boolean


    Discard the currently open transaction without committing it to the transaction manager stack. All records within the transaction will be discarded, and any tracking requests currently active will be stopped

    This function can't be called in read-only mode.


    This function can throw errors.

  • Returns number

    Returns the number of change requests that were discarded


    Discard any pending tracked changes. This does not affect the current open transaction contents, only the pending tracked block operations

    This function can't be called in read-only mode.


    This function can throw errors.

  • Parameters

    • name: string

      Give the transaction record a name

    Returns boolean


    Open a transaction record which will be a container for any number of transaction operations. All transaction operations within a record are grouped and treated as a single atomic unit

    This function can't be called in read-only mode.


    This function can throw errors.

  • Returns void


    Perform an redo operation. This will take the last transaction record on the redo stack and store the current world state and then apply the changes in the record. This will reduce the redo record stack by one.

    The transaction record affected by this operation will be transferred to the undo stack in case the creator decides to undo it

    This function can't be called in read-only mode.


    This function can throw errors.

  • Returns number


    Return the number of transaction records on the redo stack.

    This function can't be called in read-only mode.


    This function can throw errors.

  • Parameters

    • from: Vector3

      Min block location of a bounding area

    • to: Vector3

      Max block location of a bounding area

    Returns boolean


    Begin tracking block changes in a specified area. These will be added to a pending changes list. The pending list will be added to the open transaction record when a commit has been issued.

    This function can't be called in read-only mode.


    This function can throw errors.

  • Parameters

    • compoundBlockVolume: CompoundBlockVolume

      @minecraft/server.CompoundBlockVolume to track. Only non-void block locations will be tracked -- any changes falling into a void/negative space will not be tracked

    Returns boolean


    Begin tracking block changes in an area defined by a @minecraft/server.CompoundBlockVolume. These will be added to a pending changes list. The pending list will be added to the open transaction record when a commit has been issued.

    This function can't be called in read-only mode.


    This function can throw errors.

  • Parameters

    • locations: Vector3[]

      An array of block locations to monitor for changes

    Returns boolean


    Begin tracking block changes in a list of specified block locations.

    This function can't be called in read-only mode.


    This function can throw errors.

  • Parameters

    • selection: Selection

      A collection of block location volumes represented by a Selection volume to monitor for changes. The Selection Volume is copied, so further changes to the volume after this call will not be reflected in the tracking list.

    Returns boolean


    Begin tracking block changes that may happen in a selection volume. The volume is copied, so tracking will not move if the selection volume is translated after this instruction is issued. Selection Volumes can also represent irregular shapes with non-contiguous blocks and this tracking call will honor the actual selected areas in the volume (and not the negative space) (see @minecraft/server.CompoundBlockVolume for more details

    This function can't be called in read-only mode.


    This function can throw errors.

  • Returns void


    Perform an undo operation. This will take the last transaction record on the stack and apply the stored world state from before the changes were made. This will reduce the record stack by one.

    The transaction record affected by this operation will be transferred to the redo stack in case the creator decides to reapply it

    This function can't be called in read-only mode.


    This function can throw errors.

  • Returns number


    Return how many transactions records currently exist on the stack

    This function can't be called in read-only mode.


    This function can throw errors.