Contains objectives and participants for the scoreboard.


  • Scoreboard



  • Parameters

    • objectiveId: string
    • Optional displayName: string

    Returns ScoreboardObjective


    Adds a new objective to the scoreboard.

    This function can't be called in read-only mode.


    This function can throw errors.



    import { world } from "@minecraft/server";

    world.scoreboard.addObjective("example", "example");

  • Parameters

    Returns ScoreboardObjective


    Clears the objective that occupies a display slot.

    This function can't be called in read-only mode.



    // Script by WavePlayz

    import { world, DisplaySlotId } from "@minecraft/server";

    // Access the scoreboard object from the world
    const { scoreboard } = world;

    // Clear the objective currently displayed below players' names

    // Clear the objective currently displayed in the player list (tab menu)

    // Clear the objective currently displayed in the sidebar on the right side of the screen

    This script clears the scoreboard objectives displayed in different areas of the Minecraft UI:

    1. **BelowName Slot**:
    - The `clearObjectiveAtDisplaySlot(DisplaySlotId.BelowName)` method removes the objective currently shown below players' names in the game world.

    2. **List Slot**:
    - The `clearObjectiveAtDisplaySlot(DisplaySlotId.List)` method removes the objective currently shown next to players' names in the player list (the tab menu).

    3. **Sidebar Slot**:
    - The `clearObjectiveAtDisplaySlot(DisplaySlotId.Sidebar)` method removes the objective currently shown in the sidebar on the right side of the screen.

    Use this script when you want to remove scoreboard objectives from the display slots without replacing them with new objectives. This can be useful for resetting the UI, cleaning up old objectives, or preparing to display new ones.

    Clearing an objective from a display slot does not delete the objective from the scoreboard; it simply removes it from that specific display slot.

  • Parameters

    • objectiveId: string

      Identifier of the objective.

    Returns ScoreboardObjective


    Returns a specific objective (by id).



    import { world } from "@minecraft/server";

    const money = world.scoreboard.getObjective("money");

  • Parameters

    Returns ScoreboardObjectiveDisplayOptions


    Returns an objective that occupies the specified display slot.



    // Script by WavePlayz

    import { world, DisplaySlotId } from "@minecraft/server";

    // Access the scoreboard object from the world
    const { scoreboard } = world;

    // Retrieve the objective currently displayed below players' names
    let objectiveBelowName = scoreboard.getObjectiveAtDisplaySlot(

    // Retrieve the objective currently displayed in the player list (tab menu)
    let objectiveList = scoreboard.getObjectiveAtDisplaySlot(DisplaySlotId.List);

    // Retrieve the objective currently displayed in the sidebar on the right side of the screen
    let objectiveSideBar = scoreboard.getObjectiveAtDisplaySlot(

    This script retrieves and stores the current scoreboard objectives that are displayed in different areas of the Minecraft UI:

    1. **BelowName Slot**:
    - `objectiveBelowName` holds the objective that is currently shown below players' names in the game world.

    2. **List Slot**:
    - `objectiveList` holds the objective that is currently shown next to players' names in the player list (the tab menu).

    3. **Sidebar Slot**:
    - `objectiveSideBar` holds the objective that is currently shown in the sidebar on the right side of the screen.

    This script is useful for checking which scoreboard objectives are currently assigned to each display slot. You can use these variables to reference or modify the displayed objectives as needed. For example, you might want to compare or switch objectives based on game events or conditions.

  • Returns ScoreboardObjective[]


    Returns all defined objectives.



    // Script by WavePlayz

    import { world, system, Player } from "@minecraft/server";

    system.afterEvents.scriptEventReceive.subscribe((event) => {
    const { message, sourceEntity } = event;

    // Check if the source entity is a player
    if (sourceEntity instanceof Player) {
    // If the received message is "objectives"
    if (message === "objectives") {
    // Retrieve all scoreboard objectives
    let objectives = world.scoreboard.getObjectives();

    // Map through the objectives to get their display names
    let objectiveNames =
    (objective) => objective.displayName

    // Send the list of objective names to the player who triggered the event

    This script listens for the "objectives" message sent via a custom script event.
    To trigger this event in-game, a player can run the following command:

    /scriptevent foo:bar objectives

    When triggered, the script will send a list of all scoreboard objective names to the player
    who ran the command. The names will be displayed one per line in the chat.

  • Returns ScoreboardIdentity[]


    Returns all defined scoreboard identities.



    // Script by WavePlayz

    import { world, system, Player } from "@minecraft/server";

    // Subscribe to the scriptEventReceive event, which is triggered when a custom script event is received
    system.afterEvents.scriptEventReceive.subscribe((event) => {
    const { message, sourceEntity } = event;

    // Check if the source entity is a player
    if (sourceEntity instanceof Player) {
    // If the received message is "participants"
    if (message === "participants") {
    // Retrieve all participants (players and entities) from the scoreboard
    let participants = world.scoreboard.getParticipants();

    // Extract the display names of all scoreboard participants
    let participantNames =
    (participant) => participant.displayName

    // Send the list of participant names to the player who triggered the event

    This script listens for the "participants" message sent via a custom script event.
    To trigger this event in-game, a player can run the following command:

    /scriptevent foo:bar participants

    When triggered, the script will send a list of all scoreboard participants' names to the player
    who ran the command. The names will be displayed one per line in the chat.

  • Parameters

    Returns boolean


    Removes an objective from the scoreboard.

    This function can't be called in read-only mode.


    This function can throw errors.



    import { world } from "@minecraft/server";


  • Parameters

    Returns ScoreboardObjective

    Returns the previous ScoreboardObjective set at the display slot, if no objective was previously set it returns undefined.


    Sets an objective into a display slot with specified additional display settings.

    This function can't be called in read-only mode.


    This function can throw errors.



    // Script by WavePlayz

    import { world, DisplaySlotId } from "@minecraft/server";

    // Access the scoreboard object from the world
    const { scoreboard } = world;

    // Set the display slot below players' names to show scores from "Objective1"
    scoreboard.setObjectiveAtDisplaySlot(DisplaySlotId.BelowName, {
    objective: scoreboard.getObjective("Objective1"), // Reference to the "Objective1" objective

    // Set the display slot in the player list to show scores from "Objective2"
    scoreboard.setObjectiveAtDisplaySlot(DisplaySlotId.List, {
    objective: scoreboard.getObjective("Objective2"), // Reference to the "Objective2" objective

    // Set the sidebar display slot to show scores from "Objective3"
    scoreboard.setObjectiveAtDisplaySlot(DisplaySlotId.Sidebar, {
    objective: scoreboard.getObjective("Objective3"), // Reference to the "Objective3" objective

    This script assigns different scoreboard objectives to specific display slots in Minecraft:

    1. **BelowName Display Slot**: The `BelowName` slot is used to show scores beneath players' names. Here, scores from the "Objective1" objective are displayed below the names of all players in the game.

    2. **List Display Slot**: The `List` slot displays scores next to players' names in the player list (the tab menu). This script sets it to show scores from the "Objective2" objective.

    3. **Sidebar Display Slot**: The `Sidebar` slot displays scores on the right side of the screen for all players. This script assigns the "Objective3" objective to this slot.

    Make sure that "Objective1", "Objective2", and "Objective3" exist as objectives in your scoreboard. You can create these objectives using Minecraft commands, for example:

    /scoreboard objectives add Objective1 dummy "Objective 1"
    /scoreboard objectives add Objective2 dummy "Objective 2"
    /scoreboard objectives add Objective3 dummy "Objective 3"

    After running this script, the scores for these objectives will be displayed in the appropriate slots for all players in the game.