A simulated player can be used within GameTests to represent how a player moves throughout the world and to support testing of how entities and the environment will react to a player. This type derives much of its structure and methods from the @minecraft/server.Player type. Note that many types of events that may be available for entities more broadly, such as item use events, may not fire in the same capacity for simulated players.

Hierarchy (View Summary)


camera: Camera

The player's Camera.

This property can throw when used.

import { EasingType, system, world } from "@minecraft/server";

function runCutscene() {
for (const player of world.getPlayers()) {
const location = player.location;
player.camera.setCamera("minecraft:free", {
location: { x: location.x, y: location.y + 10, z: location.z },
rotation: { x: 90, y: 0 },
system.run(() => {
player.camera.setCamera("minecraft:free", {
location: player.getHeadLocation(),
rotation: player.getRotation(),
easeOptions: {
easeTime: 1.0,
easeType: EasingType.InCubic,
system.runTimeout(() => {
player.runCommandAsync("/inputpermission @s camera enabled");
player.runCommandAsync("/inputpermission @s movement enabled");
}, 20);
player.runCommandAsync("/inputpermission @s camera disabled");
player.runCommandAsync("/inputpermission @s movement disabled");

clientSystemInfo: ClientSystemInfo

Contains the player's device information.

This property can throw when used.


dimension: Dimension

Dimension that the entity is currently within.

This property can throw when used.

import { ItemStack, world } from "@minecraft/server";

for (const entity of world.getDimension("overworld").getEntities()) {
new ItemStack("minecraft:diamond_sword"),
id: string

Unique identifier of the entity. This identifier is intended to be consistent across loads of a world instance. No meaning should be inferred from the value and structure of this unique identifier - do not parse or interpret it. This property is accessible even if Entity.isValid is false.

import { world } from "@minecraft/server";

const id = "-0123456789101"; // entity.id
const entity = world.getEntity(id);
entity.runCommandAsync("say hello");
inputPermissions: PlayerInputPermissions

Input permissions of the player.

isClimbing: boolean

Whether the entity is touching a climbable block. For example, a player next to a ladder or a spider next to a stone wall.

This property can throw when used.

import { system, world } from "@minecraft/server";

system.runInterval(() => {
for (const entity of world.getDimension("overworld").getEntities()) {
// Force entity to not sneak
entity.isSneaking = false;
isEmoting: boolean

If true, the player is currently emoting.

This property can throw when used.

isFalling: boolean

Whether the entity has a fall distance greater than 0, or greater than 1 while gliding.

This property can throw when used.

import { system, world } from "@minecraft/server";

system.runInterval(() => {
for (const player of world.getAllPlayers()) {
player.sendMessage(`isClimbing - ${player.isClimbing}`);
isFlying: boolean

Whether the player is flying. For example, in Creative or Spectator mode.

This property can throw when used.

import { system, world } from "@minecraft/server";

system.runInterval(() => {
for (const player of world.getAllPlayers()) {
player.sendMessage(`player is flying: ${player.isFlying}`);
isGliding: boolean

Whether the player is gliding with Elytra.

This property can throw when used.

import { system, world } from "@minecraft/server";

system.runInterval(() => {
for (const player of world.getAllPlayers()) {
`player is gliding with Elytra: ${player.isGliding}`
isInWater: boolean

Whether any part of the entity is inside a water block.

This property can throw when used.

import { system, world } from "@minecraft/server";

system.runInterval(() => {
for (const player of world.getAllPlayers()) {
player.sendMessage(`player in water: ${player.isInWater}`);
isJumping: boolean

Whether the player is jumping. This will remain true while the player is holding the jump action.

This property can throw when used.

import { system, world } from "@minecraft/server";

system.runInterval(() => {
for (const player of world.getAllPlayers()) {
player.sendMessage(`player is jumping: ${player.isJumping}`);
isOnGround: boolean

Whether the entity is on top of a solid block. This property may behave in unexpected ways. This property will always be true when an Entity is first spawned, and if the Entity has no gravity this property may be incorrect.

This property can throw when used.

import { system, world } from "@minecraft/server";

system.runInterval(() => {
for (const player of world.getAllPlayers()) {
player.sendMessage(`player on ground: ${player.isOnGround}`);
isSleeping: boolean

If true, the entity is currently sleeping.

This property can throw when used.

isSneaking: boolean

Whether the entity is sneaking - that is, moving more slowly and more quietly.

This property can't be edited in read-only mode.

import { system, world } from "@minecraft/server";

system.runInterval(() => {
for (const player of world.getAllPlayers()) {
player.isSneaking = true;
import {
} from "@minecraft/server";

function spawnConfetti(location: DimensionLocation) {
for (let i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
const molang = new MolangVariableMap();

molang.setColorRGB("variable.color", {
red: Math.random(),
green: Math.random(),
blue: Math.random(),

const newLocation: Vector3 = {
x: location.x + Math.floor(Math.random() * 8) - 4,
y: location.y + Math.floor(Math.random() * 8) - 4,
z: location.z + Math.floor(Math.random() * 8) - 4,

system.runInterval(() => {
for (const player of world.getPlayers()) {
if (player.isSneaking) {
dimension: player.dimension,
x: player.location.x,
y: player.location.y,
z: player.location.z,
player.sendMessage("player is sneaking");
isSprinting: boolean

Whether the entity is sprinting. For example, a player using the sprint action, an ocelot running away or a pig boosting with Carrot on a Stick.

This property can throw when used.

isSwimming: boolean

Whether the entity is in the swimming state. For example, a player using the swim action or a fish in water.

This property can throw when used.

level: number

The current overall level for the player, based on their experience.

This property can throw when used.

import { Player, system, world } from "@minecraft/server";

function countdownFromTen(player: Player) {
const id = system.runInterval(() => {
Math.round(-player.totalXpNeededForNextLevel / 10)
if (player.getTotalXp() === 0) {
if (player.xpEarnedAtCurrentLevel == 0) {
player.addExperience(player.totalXpNeededForNextLevel - 1);
}, 2);
for (const player of world.getPlayers()) {
import { world } from "@minecraft/server";

for (const player of world.getAllPlayers()) {
`Level: ${player.level}, xp at current level: ${player.xpEarnedAtCurrentLevel} / ${player.totalXpNeededForNextLevel}`
location: Vector3

Current location of the entity.

This property can throw when used.

import { world } from "@minecraft/server";

world.afterEvents.buttonPush.subscribe((event) => {
if (event.source.typeId === "minecraft:player") {
name: string

Name of the player.

This property can throw when used.

import { world } from "@minecraft/server";

world.afterEvents.playerSpawn.subscribe((event) => {
world.sendMessage("Welcome to the server, " + event.player.name + "!");
nameTag: string

Given name of the entity.

This property can't be edited in read-only mode.

import { system, world } from "@minecraft/server";

system.afterEvents.scriptEventReceive.subscribe(({ message }) => {
if (message === "dinnerbone:true") {
for (const entity of world.getDimension("overworld").getEntities()) {
entity.nameTag = "Dinnerbone";
onScreenDisplay: ScreenDisplay

Contains methods for manipulating the on-screen display of a Player.

This property can throw when used.

import { world } from "@minecraft/server";

for (const player of world.getAllPlayers()) {
player.onScreenDisplay.setActionBar("Hello World");
import { HudElement, world } from "@minecraft/server";

for (const player of world.getAllPlayers()) {
import { world } from "@minecraft/server";

for (const player of world.getAllPlayers()) {
player.onScreenDisplay.setTitle(" "); // spaces needed
player.onScreenDisplay.updateSubtitle("Insert Subtitle");
import { world } from "@minecraft/server";

for (const player of world.getAllPlayers()) {
player.onScreenDisplay.setTitle("Hello World");
player.onScreenDisplay.updateSubtitle("Welcome to the server!");
scoreboardIdentity?: ScoreboardIdentity

Returns a scoreboard identity that represents this entity. Will remain valid when the entity is killed.

selectedSlotIndex: number

This property can't be edited in read-only mode.

import { world } from "@minecraft/server";

for (const player of world.getPlayers()) {
const inventory = player.getComponent("inventory");
const selectedItem = inventory.container.getItem(player.selectedSlotIndex);
player.sendMessage("Selected Item: " + selectedItem.typeId);
target?: Entity

Retrieves or sets an entity that is used as the target of AI-related behaviors, like attacking. If the entity currently has no target returns undefined.

This property can throw when used.

totalXpNeededForNextLevel: number

The overall total set of experience needed to achieve the next level for a player.

This property can throw when used.

typeId: string

Identifier of the type of the entity - for example, 'minecraft:skeleton'. This property is accessible even if Entity.isValid is false.

import { system, world } from "@minecraft/server";

// This event triggers when world is loaded
system.runInterval(() => {
const entity = world.getDimension("overworld").getEntities()[0];
// Finally, show that location as title
`title @a actionbar X: ${Math.floor(
)} | Y: ${Math.floor(entity.location.y)} | Z: ${Math.floor(
xpEarnedAtCurrentLevel: number

The current set of experience achieved for the player.

This property can throw when used.


  • Parameters

    • effectType: string | EffectType

      Type of effect to add to the entity.

    • duration: number

      Amount of time, in ticks, for the effect to apply. There are 20 ticks per second. Use TicksPerSecond constant to convert between ticks and seconds. The value must be within the range [0, 20000000].

    • Optionaloptions: EntityEffectOptions

      Additional options for the effect.

    Returns Effect

    Returns nothing if the effect was added or updated successfully. This can throw an error if the duration or amplifier are outside of the valid ranges, or if the effect does not exist.

    Adds or updates an effect, like poison, to the entity.

    This function can't be called in read-only mode.

    This function can throw errors.

    // Spawns a villager and gives it the poison effect
    import {
    } from '@minecraft/server';
    import { MinecraftEffectTypes } from '@minecraft/vanilla-data';

    function spawnPoisonedVillager(location: DimensionLocation) {
    const villagerType = 'minecraft:villager_v2<minecraft:ageable_grow_up>';
    const villager = location.dimension.spawnEntity(villagerType, location);
    const duration = 20;

    villager.addEffect(MinecraftEffectTypes.Poison, duration, { amplifier: 1 });
    // Spawns a fox over a dog
    import { DimensionLocation } from '@minecraft/server';
    import { MinecraftEntityTypes } from '@minecraft/vanilla-data';

    function spawnAdultHorse(location: DimensionLocation) {
    // Create fox (our quick brown fox)
    const fox = location.dimension.spawnEntity(MinecraftEntityTypes.Fox, {
    x: location.x,
    y: location.y + 2,
    z: location.z,

    fox.addEffect('speed', 10, {
    amplifier: 2,

    // Create wolf (our lazy dog)
    const wolf = location.dimension.spawnEntity(MinecraftEntityTypes.Wolf, location);
    wolf.addEffect('slowness', 10, {
    amplifier: 2,
    wolf.isSneaking = true;
  • Parameters

    • amount: number

      Amount of experience to add. Note that this can be negative. Min/max bounds at -2^24 ~ 2^24

    Returns number

    Returns the current experience of the Player.

    Adds/removes experience to/from the Player and returns the current experience of the Player.

    This function can't be called in read-only mode.

    This function can throw errors.

    import { Player, world } from "@minecraft/server";

    // Command equivalent to /xp player 100
    function addExperience(player: Player) {
    const xpAdded = player.addExperience(100);
    console.log(`Player ${player.name} now has ${xpAdded} experience points.`);

    for (const player of world.getPlayers()) {
  • Parameters

    • amount: number

      Amount to add to the player. Min/max bounds at -2^24 ~ 2^24

    Returns number

    Returns the current level of the Player.

    Adds/removes level to/from the Player and returns the current level of the Player.

    This function can't be called in read-only mode.

    This function can throw errors.

    import { Player, world } from "@minecraft/server";

    // Command equivalent to /xp player 5L
    function addLevels(player: Player) {
    const levels = player.addLevels(5);
    console.log(`Player ${player.name} now has ${levels} levels.`);
  • Parameters

    • tag: string

      Content of the tag to add. The tag must be less than 256 characters.

    Returns boolean

    Returns true if the tag was added successfully. This can fail if the tag already exists on the entity.

    Adds a specified tag to an entity.

    This function can't be called in read-only mode.

    This function can throw errors.

  • Parameters

    Returns boolean

    Whether the entity takes any damage. This can return false if the entity is invulnerable or if the damage applied is less than or equal to 0.

    Applies a set of damage to an entity.

    This function can't be called in read-only mode.

    This function can throw errors.

    // A function that applies damage and then heals the entity
    import { Entity, EntityComponentTypes, system, world } from '@minecraft/server';

    function applyDamageAndHeal(entity: Entity) {
    entity.applyDamage(19); // Many mobs have max damage of 20 so this is a near-death mob

    system.runTimeout(() => {
    const health = entity.getComponent(EntityComponentTypes.Health);
    if (health) {
    world.sendMessage(`Entity health before heal: ${health.currentValue}`);


    world.sendMessage(`Entity after before heal: ${health.currentValue}`);
    } else {
    console.warn('Entity does not have health component');
    }, 40); // Run in a few seconds (40 ticks)
    import { world, EntityDamageCause } from "@minecraft/server";
    const player = world.getAllPlayers()[0];
    player.applyDamage(1000, {
    cause: EntityDamageCause.wither,
    import { world } from "@minecraft/server";
    world.afterEvents.itemUse.subscribe((event) => {
    const player = event.source;
    const damageApplied = player.applyDamage(10);
    console.log(`Damage applied: ${damageApplied}`);
  • Parameters

    Returns void

    Applies impulse vector to the current velocity of the entity.

    This function can't be called in read-only mode.

    This function can throw errors.

    // A function that throws entities up in the air
    import { Entity } from '@minecraft/server';

    function yeetEntity(entity: Entity) {

    // Zero out the entity's velocity before applying impulse

    // throw the zombie up in the air
    entity.applyImpulse({ x: 0, y: 15, z: 0 });
  • Parameters

    • directionX: number

      X direction in horizontal plane.

    • directionZ: number

      Z direction in horizontal plane.

    • horizontalStrength: number

      Knockback strength for the horizontal vector.

    • verticalStrength: number

      Knockback strength for the vertical vector.

    Returns void

    Applies impulse vector to the current velocity of the entity.

    This function can't be called in read-only mode.

    This function can throw errors.

    import { EntityQueryOptions, DimensionLocation } from '@minecraft/server';

    function mobParty(targetLocation: DimensionLocation) {
    const mobs = ['creeper', 'skeleton', 'sheep'];

    // create some sample mob data
    for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
    targetLocation.dimension.spawnEntity(mobs[i % mobs.length], targetLocation);

    const eqo: EntityQueryOptions = {
    type: 'skeleton',

    for (const entity of targetLocation.dimension.getEntities(eqo)) {
    entity.applyKnockback(0, 0, 0, 1);
  • Returns void

    Clears all dynamic properties that have been set on this entity.

    This function can throw errors.

    import { world } from "@minecraft/server";

    for (const entity of world.getDimension("overworld").getEntities()) {
  • Returns void

    Sets the current velocity of the Entity to zero. Note that this method may not have an impact on Players.

    This function can't be called in read-only mode.

    This function can throw errors.

    // A function that throws entities up in the air
    import { Entity } from '@minecraft/server';

    function yeetEntity(entity: Entity) {

    // Zero out the entity's velocity before applying impulse

    // throw the zombie up in the air
    entity.applyImpulse({ x: 0, y: 15, z: 0 });
  • Beta


    Returns void

    Eats an item, providing the item's hunger and saturation effects to the player. Can only be used on food items.

    This function can't be called in read-only mode.

    Throws if the item is not a food item.

  • Parameters

    • OptionaluseEffects: boolean

      Whether to show any visual effects connected to the extinguishing.

    Returns boolean

    Returns whether the entity was on fire.

    Extinguishes the fire if the entity is on fire. Note that you can call getComponent('minecraft:onfire') and, if present, the entity is on fire.

    This function can't be called in read-only mode.

    This function can throw errors.

    import { world, Entity, EntityComponentTypes, system } from "@minecraft/server";

    function setAblaze(entity: Entity) {
    entity.setOnFire(20, true);

    system.runTimeout(() => {
    const onfire = entity.getComponent(EntityComponentTypes.OnFire);
    if (onfire) {
    world.sendMessage(`${onfire.onFireTicksRemaining} fire ticks remaining, extinguishing the entity.`);
    // This will extinguish the entity
    }, 30); // Run in 30 ticks or ~1.5 seconds

  • Parameters

    Returns BlockRaycastHit

    Returns the first intersecting block from the direction that this entity is looking at.

    Returns the first intersecting block from the direction that this entity is looking at.

    This function can throw errors.

    import { world } from "@minecraft/server";

    for (const entity of world.getDimension("overworld").getEntities()) {
    const blockHit = entity.getBlockFromViewDirection();

    if (blockHit) {
    console.log("Block Hit:");
    console.log("Block:", blockHit.block);
    console.log("Face:", blockHit.face);
    console.log("Face Location:", JSON.stringify(blockHit.faceLocation));
    } else {
    console.log("No block in view direction.");
    import { BlockPermutation, world } from "@minecraft/server";

    const entity = world
    .spawnEntity("minecraft:fox", { x: 0, y: 0, z: 0 });
    const blockHit = entity.getBlockFromViewDirection();

    if (blockHit) {
    } else {
    console.log("No block in view direction.");
  • Type Parameters


    • componentId: T

      The identifier of the component (e.g., 'minecraft:health'). If no namespace prefix is specified, 'minecraft:' is assumed. Available component IDs can be found as part of the EntityComponentTypes enum.

    Returns EntityComponentTypeMap[T]

    Returns the component if it exists on the entity, otherwise undefined.

    Gets a component (that represents additional capabilities) for an entity.

    import { world } from "@minecraft/server";

    for (const player of world.getPlayers()) {
    const health = player.getComponent("health");
    "Your health is " + health.currentValue + "/" + health.effectiveMax
    health.setCurrentValue(15); // set player to 15 hp
    health.resetToMaxValue(); // reset player to max hp
    import { ItemStack, world } from "@minecraft/server";

    world.afterEvents.buttonPush.subscribe((event) => {
    const entity = event.source;
    .container.addItem(new ItemStack("minecraft:dirt", 1));
    import { world } from "@minecraft/server";

    const itemEntities = world
    .getEntities({ type: "minecraft:item" });
    for (const itemEntity of itemEntities) {
    const item = itemEntity.getComponent("item");
    item.itemStack.keepOnDeath = true;
  • Returns EntityComponent[]

    Returns all components that are both present on this entity and supported by the API.

    Returns all components that are both present on this entity and supported by the API.

    import { world } from "@minecraft/server";

    for (const entity of world.getDimension("overworld").getEntities()) {
    const components = entity.getComponents();
    `Number of components: ${components.length}: ${components.map(
    (component) => component.typeId
  • Parameters

    • identifier: string

      The property identifier.

    Returns string | number | boolean | Vector3

    Returns the value for the property, or undefined if the property has not been set.

    Returns a property value.

    This function can throw errors.

    import { Vector3, system, world } from "@minecraft/server";

    world.afterEvents.entitySpawn.subscribe((event) => {
    event.entity.setDynamicProperty("spawn_location", event.entity.location); // set location spawn

    world.beforeEvents.entityRemove.subscribe((event) => {
    const location = event.removedEntity.getDynamicProperty(
    ) as Vector3; // get location spawn
    const dimension = event.removedEntity.dimension;
    system.run(() => {
    dimension.spawnEntity(event.removedEntity.typeId, location);
  • Returns string[]

    A string array of the dynamic properties set on this entity.

    Returns the available set of dynamic property identifiers that have been used on this entity.

    This function can throw errors.

    import { Player, system } from "@minecraft/server";

    system.afterEvents.scriptEventReceive.subscribe((event) => {
    // Type /scriptevent bp:entries to see this message
    if (event.id === "bp:entries" && event.sourceEntity instanceof Player) {
    "Here's your dynamic properties entries:"

    // Display all dynamic properties
    for (const id of event.sourceEntity.getDynamicPropertyIds()) {
    `- ${id}: ${event.sourceEntity.getDynamicProperty(id)}`
  • Returns number

    Returns the total size, in bytes, of all the dynamic properties that are currently stored for this entity. This includes the size of both the key and the value. This can be useful for diagnosing performance warning signs - if, for example, an entity has many megabytes of associated dynamic properties, it may be slow to load on various devices.

    This function can throw errors.

    import { Player, system } from "@minecraft/server";

    system.afterEvents.scriptEventReceive.subscribe((event) => {
    // Type /scriptevent dp:size to see this message
    if (event.id === "dp:size" && event.sourceEntity instanceof Player) {
    // Returns the total size, in bytes, of all the dynamic properties that are currently stored for this entity.
    const byteCount = event.sourceEntity.getDynamicPropertyTotalByteCount();

    // Send the byte count to the player
    `Dynamic Properties Byte Count: ${byteCount}`
  • Parameters

    • effectType: string | EffectType

      The effect identifier.

    Returns Effect

    Effect object for the specified effect, undefined if the effect is not present, or throws an error if the effect does not exist.

    Returns the effect for the specified EffectType on the entity, undefined if the effect is not present, or throws an error if the effect does not exist.

    This function can throw errors.

    import { world } from "@minecraft/server";

    const entities = world.getDimension("overworld").getEntities();
    for (const entity of entities) {
    entity.getEffects().forEach((effect) => {
    console.log(effect.typeId, effect.amplifier, effect.duration);
  • Returns Effect[]

    List of effects.

    Returns a set of effects applied to this entity.

    This function can throw errors.

    import { world } from "@minecraft/server";
    for (const entity of world.getDimension("overworld").getEntities()) {
    const effect = entity.getEffect("invisibility");
  • Parameters

    Returns EntityRaycastHit[]

    Returns a set of entities from the direction that this entity is looking at.

    Gets the entities that this entity is looking at by performing a ray cast from the view of this entity.

    This function can throw errors.

    import type { EntityRaycastOptions } from "@minecraft/server";
    import { world } from "@minecraft/server";

    // Optional: Configure ray cast options
    const raycastOptions: EntityRaycastOptions = {
    maxDistance: 10, // Set your desired maximum distance

    // Perform the ray cast

    for (const entity of world.getDimension("overworld").getEntities()) {
    const entitiesInView = entity.getEntitiesFromViewDirection(raycastOptions);

    // Log the results
    entitiesInView.forEach((hit) => {
    console.log(`Entity hit at distance ${hit.distance} blocks.`);
    console.log("Entity details:", hit.entity); // You can access properties/methods of the hit entity
  • Returns GameMode

    Retrieves the active gamemode for this player, if specified.

    This function can throw errors.

    import { world } from "@minecraft/server";

    for (const player of world.getAllPlayers()) {
    const gameMode = player.getGameMode();
    player.sendMessage(`Your game mode is ${gameMode}`);
  • Returns Vector3

    Returns the current location of the head component of this entity.

    Returns the current location of the head component of this entity.

    This function can throw errors.

    import { Player } from "@minecraft/server";

    function freezePlayerCamera(player: Player) {
    player.camera.setCamera("minecraft:free", {
    location: player.getHeadLocation(),
    rotation: player.getRotation(),
  • Parameters

    • cooldownCategory: string

      Specifies the cooldown category to retrieve the current cooldown for.

    Returns number

    Gets the current item cooldown time for a particular cooldown category.

    This function can throw errors.

    import { world } from "@minecraft/server";

    const player = world.getAllPlayers()[0];
    const cooldown = player.getItemCooldown("equipment");
    console.log(`Cooldown for the equipment category: ${cooldown} seconds.`);
  • Parameters

    • identifier: string

      The entity Property identifier.

    Returns string | number | boolean

    Returns the current property value. For enum properties, a string is returned. For float and int properties, a number is returned. For undefined properties, undefined is returned.

    Gets an entity Property value. If the property was set using the setProperty function within the same tick, the updated value will not be reflected until the subsequent tick.

    Throws if the entity is invalid.

    import { world } from "@minecraft/server";

    const entity = world
    .getEntities({ type: "create:dummy" })[0];
    entity.setProperty("create:rotation_offset", 1);
  • Returns Vector2

    Returns a Vec2 containing the rotation of this entity (in degrees).

    Returns the current rotation component of this entity.

    This function can throw errors.

    import { world } from "@minecraft/server";

    world.beforeEvents.chatSend.subscribe((event) => {
    const message = event.message;
    const player = event.sender;
    if (message === "rotation get") {
    event.cancel = true;
    const rotation = player.getRotation();
    player.sendMessage(`Spawn point location: ${rotation.x} ${rotation.y}`);
  • Returns DimensionLocation

    Gets the current spawn point of the player.

    This function can throw errors.

    import { world } from "@minecraft/server";

    world.beforeEvents.chatSend.subscribe((event) => {
    const message = event.message;
    const player = event.sender;
    if (message === "spawnpoint get") {
    event.cancel = true;
    const spawnPoint = player.getSpawnPoint();
    if (spawnPoint) {
    `Spawn point location: ${spawnPoint.x} ${spawnPoint.y} ${spawnPoint.z} at ${spawnPoint.dimension.id}`
    } else {
    player.sendMessage(`No spawn point set.`);
  • Returns string[]

    An array containing all tags as strings.

    Returns all tags associated with the entity.

    This function can throw errors.

    import { world } from "@minecraft/server";

    for (const entity of world.getDimension("overworld").getEntities()) {
    const tags = entity.getTags();
    const jaylyTag = tags.find((tag) => tag.startsWith("jayly:"));
    if (jaylyTag) {
    world.sendMessage(`${entity.id}: ${jaylyTag}`);
  • Returns number

    Gets the total experience of the Player.

    This function can throw errors.

  • Returns Vector3

    Returns the current velocity vector of the entity.

    Returns the current velocity vector of the entity.

    This function can throw errors.

    // A function that spawns fireworks and logs their velocity after 5 ticks
    import { DimensionLocation, system, world } from '@minecraft/server';
    import { MinecraftEntityTypes } from '@minecraft/vanilla-data';

    function spawnFireworks(location: DimensionLocation) {
    const fireworkRocket = location.dimension.spawnEntity(MinecraftEntityTypes.FireworksRocket, location);

    system.runTimeout(() => {
    const velocity = fireworkRocket.getVelocity();

    world.sendMessage(`Velocity of firework is: ${velocity.x}, ${velocity.y}, ${velocity.z}`);
    }, 5);
  • Returns Vector3

    Returns the current view direction of the entity.

    Returns the current view direction of the entity.

    This function can throw errors.

  • Parameters

    • componentId: string

      The identifier of the component (e.g., 'minecraft:rideable') to retrieve. If no namespace prefix is specified, 'minecraft:' is assumed.

    Returns boolean

    Returns true if the specified component is present on this entity.

    Returns true if the specified component is present on this entity.

    import { world } from "@minecraft/server";

    const entity = world
    .getEntities({ type: "minecraft:villager" })[0];
  • Parameters

    • tag: string

      Identifier of the tag to test for.

    Returns boolean

    Returns whether an entity has a particular tag.

    Returns whether an entity has a particular tag.

    This function can throw errors.

  • Beta

    Returns boolean

    Returns true if this player has operator-level permissions.

    This function can throw errors.

  • Returns boolean

    Whether the entity is valid.

    Returns whether the entity can be manipulated by script. A Player is considered valid when it's EntityLifetimeState is set to Loaded.

    import { system, world } from "@minecraft/server";

    const zombie = world
    .spawnEntity("minecraft:zombie", world.getDefaultSpawnLocation());

    const id = system.runInterval(() => {
    if (!zombie.isValid()) {
    const location = zombie.location;
    for (const player of world.getPlayers()) {
    `Zombie location: (${location.x.toFixed(2)}, ${location.y.toFixed(
    )}, ${location.z.toFixed(2)})`
  • Returns boolean

    Returns true if entity can be killed (even if it is already dead), otherwise it returns false.

    Kills this entity. The entity will drop loot as normal.

    This function can't be called in read-only mode.

    This function can throw errors.

    import { EntityQueryOptions, DimensionLocation } from '@minecraft/server';

    function mobParty(targetLocation: DimensionLocation) {
    const mobs = ['creeper', 'skeleton', 'sheep'];

    // create some sample mob data
    for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
    const mobTypeId = mobs[i % mobs.length];
    const entity = targetLocation.dimension.spawnEntity(mobTypeId, targetLocation);
    entity.addTag('mobparty.' + mobTypeId);

    const eqo: EntityQueryOptions = {
    tags: ['mobparty.skeleton'],

    for (const entity of targetLocation.dimension.getEntities(eqo)) {
  • Parameters

    Returns boolean

    Returns true if the entity matches the criteria in the passed in EntityQueryOptions, otherwise it returns false.

    Matches the entity against the passed in options. Uses the location of the entity for matching if the location is not specified in the passed in EntityQueryOptions.

    Throws if the query options are misconfigured.

    import { GameMode, system, world } from "@minecraft/server";
    system.runInterval(() => {
    for (const player of world.getAllPlayers()) {
    const isSpectating = player.matches({ gameMode: GameMode.spectator });
    if (isSpectating) {
    player.onScreenDisplay.setActionBar("You are spectating");
  • Parameters

    • animationName: string

      The animation identifier. e.g. animation.creeper.swelling

    • Optionaloptions: PlayAnimationOptions

      Additional options to control the playback and transitions of the animation.

    Returns void

    Cause the entity to play the given animation.

    This function can't be called in read-only mode.

    This function can throw errors.

  • Parameters

    • trackId: string

      Identifier of the music track to play.

    • OptionalmusicOptions: MusicOptions

      Additional options for the music track.

    Returns void

    Plays a music track that only this particular player can hear.

    This function can't be called in read-only mode.

    This function can throw errors.

  • Parameters

    • soundId: string
    • OptionalsoundOptions: PlayerSoundOptions

      Additional optional options for the sound.

    Returns void

    Plays a sound that only this particular player can hear.

    This function can't be called in read-only mode.

    This function can throw errors.

    import { Player } from "@minecraft/server";

    // Scripting code for `playsound
    function playCreatorMusicBoxRecord(player: Player) {
    player.playSound("record.creator_music_box", { location: player.location });
  • Beta


    • id: string
    • value: string

    Returns void

    This is an internal-facing method for posting a system message to downstream clients.

    This function can't be called in read-only mode.

    This function can throw errors.

  • Parameters

    • trackId: string

      Identifier of the music track to play.

    • OptionalmusicOptions: MusicOptions

      Additional options for the music track.

    Returns void

    Queues an additional music track that only this particular player can hear. If a track is not playing, a music track will play.

    This function can't be called in read-only mode.

    An error will be thrown if volume is less than 0.0. An error will be thrown if fade is less than 0.0.

    import { Player } from "@minecraft/server";

    // Surely someone enjoy minecraft ambient music
    const allMusic = [

    function queueAllMusic(player: Player) {
    for (const musicTrackId of allMusic) {
    player.queueMusic(musicTrackId, { fade: 1.0 });
  • Returns void

    Immediately removes the entity from the world. The removed entity will not perform a death animation or drop loot upon removal.

    This function can't be called in read-only mode.

    This function can throw errors.

    import { world } from "@minecraft/server";

    // Note: You cannot despawn players via entity.remove()
    const entities = world
    .getEntities({ excludeTypes: ["minecraft:player"] });

    for (const entity of entities) {
  • Parameters

    • effectType: string | EffectType

      The effect identifier.

    Returns boolean

    Returns true if the effect has been removed. Returns false if the effect is not found or does not exist.

    Removes the specified EffectType on the entity, or returns false if the effect is not present.

    This function can't be called in read-only mode.

    This function can throw errors.

  • Parameters

    • tag: string

      Content of the tag to remove.

    Returns boolean

    Returns whether the tag existed on the entity.

    Removes a specified tag from an entity.

    This function can't be called in read-only mode.

    This function can throw errors.

    import { world } from "@minecraft/server";

    for (const player of world.getAllPlayers()) {
  • Returns void

    Resets the level of the player.

    This function can't be called in read-only mode.

    This function can throw errors.

    import { world } from "@minecraft/server";

    for (const player of world.getAllPlayers()) {
  • Parameters

    • identifier: string

      The Entity Property identifier.

    Returns string | number | boolean

    Returns the default property value. For enum properties, a string is returned. For float and int properties, a number is returned. For undefined properties, undefined is returned.

    Resets an Entity Property back to its default value, as specified in the Entity's definition. This property change is not applied until the next tick.

    This function can't be called in read-only mode.

    Throws if the entity is invalid.



  • Parameters

    • commandString: string

      The command string. Note: This should not include a leading forward slash.

    Returns CommandResult

    A command result containing whether the command was successful.

    Runs a synchronous command on the entity.

    This function can't be called in read-only mode.

    This function can throw errors.



    import { world } from "@minecraft/server";

    world.afterEvents.entityDie.subscribe((event) => {
    event.deadEntity.runCommand("say I am dead!");
  • Parameters

    • commandString: string

      Command to run. Note that command strings should not start with slash.

    Returns Promise<CommandResult>

    For commands that return data, returns a JSON structure with command response values.

    Runs a particular command asynchronously from the context of this entity. Note that there is a maximum queue of 128 asynchronous commands that can be run in a given tick.

    This function can throw errors.

    import { world } from "@minecraft/server";

    world.beforeEvents.explosion.subscribe((event) => {
    event.source?.runCommandAsync("say I exploded!");
  • Parameters

    Returns void

    Sends a message to the player.

    This method can throw if the provided RawMessage is in an invalid format. For example, if an empty name string is provided to score.

    import { Player } from "@minecraft/server";

    function sendPlayerMessages(player: Player) {
    // Displays "First or Second"
    const rawMessage = { translate: 'accessibility.list.or.two', with: ['First', 'Second'] };

    // Displays "Hello, world!"
    player.sendMessage('Hello, world!');

    // Displays "Welcome, Amazing Player 1!"
    player.sendMessage({ translate: 'authentication.welcome', with: ['Amazing Player 1'] });

    // Displays the player's score for objective "obj". Each player will see their own score.
    const rawMessageWithScore = { score: { name: '*', objective: 'obj' } };

    // Displays "Apple or Coal"
    const rawMessageWithNestedTranslations = {
    translate: 'accessibility.list.or.two',
    with: { rawtext: [{ translate: 'item.apple.name' }, { translate: 'item.coal.name' }] },
  • Parameters

    • identifier: string

      The property identifier.

    • Optionalvalue: string | number | boolean | Vector3

      Data value of the property to set.

    Returns void

    Sets a specified property to a value.

    This function can throw errors.

    import { Vector3, system, world } from "@minecraft/server";

    world.afterEvents.entitySpawn.subscribe((event) => {
    event.entity.setDynamicProperty("spawn_location", event.entity.location); // set location spawn

    world.beforeEvents.entityRemove.subscribe((event) => {
    const location = event.removedEntity.getDynamicProperty(
    ) as Vector3; // get location spawn
    const dimension = event.removedEntity.dimension;
    system.run(() => {
    dimension.spawnEntity(event.removedEntity.typeId, location);
  • Parameters

    • OptionalgameMode: GameMode

      Active gamemode.

    Returns void

    Sets a gamemode override for this player.

    This function can't be called in read-only mode.

    This function can throw errors.

    import { GameMode, world } from "@minecraft/server";

    for (const player of world.getAllPlayers()) {
  • Parameters

    • seconds: number

      Length of time to set the entity on fire.

    • OptionaluseEffects: boolean

      Whether side-effects should be applied (e.g. thawing freeze) and other conditions such as rain or fire protection should be taken into consideration.

    Returns boolean

    Whether the entity was set on fire. This can fail if seconds is less than or equal to zero, the entity is wet or the entity is immune to fire.

    Sets an entity on fire (if it is not in water or rain). Note that you can call getComponent('minecraft:onfire') and, if present, the entity is on fire.

    This function can't be called in read-only mode.

    This function can throw errors.

    import { world, Entity, EntityComponentTypes, system } from "@minecraft/server";

    function setAblaze(entity: Entity) {
    entity.setOnFire(20, true);

    system.runTimeout(() => {
    const onfire = entity.getComponent(EntityComponentTypes.OnFire);
    if (onfire) {
    world.sendMessage(`${onfire.onFireTicksRemaining} fire ticks remaining, extinguishing the entity.`);
    // This will extinguish the entity
    }, 30); // Run in 30 ticks or ~1.5 seconds

  • Beta


    • isOp: boolean

    Returns void

    Will change the specified players permissions, and whether they are operator or not.

    This function can't be called in read-only mode.

    This function can throw errors.

  • Parameters

    • identifier: string

      The Entity Property identifier.

    • value: string | number | boolean

      The property value. The provided type must be compatible with the type specified in the entity's definition.

    Returns void

    Sets an Entity Property to the provided value. This property change is not applied until the next tick.

    This function can't be called in read-only mode.

    Throws if the entity is invalid. Throws if an invalid identifier is provided. Throws if the provided value type does not match the property type. Throws if the provided value is outside the expected range (int, float properties). Throws if the provided string value does not match the set of accepted enum values (enum properties

    import { world } from "@minecraft/server";

    const tileEntity = world
    .getEntities({ type: "create:dummy" })[0];
    tileEntity.setProperty("create:rotation_offset", 1);
  • Parameters

    • rotation: Vector2

      The x and y rotation of the entity (in degrees). For most mobs, the x rotation controls the head tilt and the y rotation controls the body rotation.

    Returns void

    Sets the main rotation of the entity.

    This function can't be called in read-only mode.

    This function can throw errors.

  • Beta


    • effectName: string

      Identifier of the particle to create.

    • location: Vector3

      The location at which to create the particle emitter.

    • OptionalmolangVariables: MolangVariableMap

      A set of optional, customizable variables that can be adjusted for this particle.

    Returns void

    Creates a new particle emitter at a specified location in the world. Only visible to the target player.

    This function can't be called in read-only mode.

    import { world, MolangVariableMap, Vector3 } from '@minecraft/server';

    world.afterEvents.playerSpawn.subscribe(event => {
    const targetLocation = event.player.location;
    for (let i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
    const molang = new MolangVariableMap();

    molang.setColorRGB('variable.color', {
    red: Math.random(),
    green: Math.random(),
    blue: Math.random()

    const newLocation: Vector3 = {
    x: targetLocation.x + Math.floor(Math.random() * 8) - 4,
    y: targetLocation.y + Math.floor(Math.random() * 8) - 4,
    z: targetLocation.z + Math.floor(Math.random() * 8) - 4,
    event.player.spawnParticle('minecraft:colored_flame_particle', newLocation, molang);
  • Parameters

    • cooldownCategory: string

      Specifies the cooldown category to retrieve the current cooldown for.

    • tickDuration: number

      Duration in ticks of the item cooldown.

    Returns void

    Sets the item cooldown time for a particular cooldown category.

    This function can't be called in read-only mode.

    This function can throw errors.

  • Returns void

    Stops any music tracks from playing for this particular player.

    This function can't be called in read-only mode.

    This function can throw errors.

  • Parameters

    • location: Vector3

      New location for the entity.

    • OptionalteleportOptions: TeleportOptions

      Options regarding the teleport operation.

    Returns void

    Teleports the selected entity to a new location

    This function can't be called in read-only mode.

    This function can throw errors.

    import { world, system } from '@minecraft/server';

    const overworld = world.getDimension('overworld');
    const targetLocation = { x: 0, y: 0, z: 0 };

    const pig = overworld.spawnEntity('minecraft:pig', targetLocation);

    let inc = 1;
    const runId = system.runInterval(() => {
    { x: targetLocation.x + inc / 4, y: targetLocation.y + inc / 4, z: targetLocation.z + inc / 4 },
    facingLocation: targetLocation,

    if (inc > 100) {
    }, 4);
    import { system, world } from "@minecraft/server";

    system.afterEvents.scriptEventReceive.subscribe(({ sourceEntity, message }) => {
    if (!sourceEntity) return;

    if (message === "tp:nether") {
    { x: 0, y: 0, z: 0 },
    { dimension: world.getDimension("nether") }
    import { system, world } from "@minecraft/server";

    system.afterEvents.scriptEventReceive.subscribe(({ sourceEntity, message }) => {
    if (!sourceEntity) return;

    if (message === "tp:nether") {
    { x: 0, y: 0, z: 0 },
    dimension: world.getDimension("nether"),
    facingLocation: { x: 100, y: 100, z: 100 },
  • Parameters

    • eventName: string

      Name of the entity type event to trigger. If a namespace is not specified, minecraft: is assumed.

    Returns void

    Triggers an entity type event. For every entity, a number of events are defined in an entities' definition for key entity behaviors; for example, creepers have a minecraft:start_exploding type event.

    This function can't be called in read-only mode.

    If the event is not defined in the definition of the entity, an error will be thrown.

    // A function that spawns a creeper and triggers it to explode immediately
    import { DimensionLocation } from '@minecraft/server';
    import { MinecraftEntityTypes } from '@minecraft/vanilla-data';

    function spawnExplodingCreeper(location: DimensionLocation) {
    const creeper = location.dimension.spawnEntity(MinecraftEntityTypes.Creeper, location);

  • Parameters

    • location: Vector3

      Location to teleport the entity to.

    • OptionalteleportOptions: TeleportOptions

      Options regarding the teleport operation.

    Returns boolean

    Returns whether the teleport succeeded. This can fail if the destination chunk is unloaded or if the teleport would result in intersecting with blocks.

    Attempts to try a teleport, but may not complete the teleport operation (for example, if there are blocks at the destination.)

    This function can't be called in read-only mode.

    This function can throw errors.