Contains information related to changes to a trip wire trip.
import { Vector3, world, BlockPermutation, TripWireTripAfterEvent, system } from '@minecraft/server';const overworld = world.getDimension('overworld');const targetLocation: Vector3 = { x: 0, y: 0, z: 0 };// set up a tripwireconst redstone = overworld.getBlock({ x: targetLocation.x, y: targetLocation.y - 1, z: targetLocation.z });const tripwire = overworld.getBlock(targetLocation);if (redstone === undefined || tripwire === undefined) { console.warn('Could not find block at location.');} else {redstone.setPermutation(BlockPermutation.resolve('redstone_block'));tripwire.setPermutation(BlockPermutation.resolve('tripwire'));world.afterEvents.tripWireTrip.subscribe((tripWireTripEvent: TripWireTripAfterEvent) => { const eventLoc = tripWireTripEvent.block.location; if (eventLoc.x === targetLocation.x && eventLoc.y === targetLocation.y && eventLoc.z === targetLocation.z) { console.warn( 'Tripwire trip event at tick ' + system.currentTick + (tripWireTripEvent.sources.length > 0 ? ' by entity ' + tripWireTripEvent.sources[0].id : ''), ); }});} Copy
import { Vector3, world, BlockPermutation, TripWireTripAfterEvent, system } from '@minecraft/server';const overworld = world.getDimension('overworld');const targetLocation: Vector3 = { x: 0, y: 0, z: 0 };// set up a tripwireconst redstone = overworld.getBlock({ x: targetLocation.x, y: targetLocation.y - 1, z: targetLocation.z });const tripwire = overworld.getBlock(targetLocation);if (redstone === undefined || tripwire === undefined) { console.warn('Could not find block at location.');} else {redstone.setPermutation(BlockPermutation.resolve('redstone_block'));tripwire.setPermutation(BlockPermutation.resolve('tripwire'));world.afterEvents.tripWireTrip.subscribe((tripWireTripEvent: TripWireTripAfterEvent) => { const eventLoc = tripWireTripEvent.block.location; if (eventLoc.x === targetLocation.x && eventLoc.y === targetLocation.y && eventLoc.z === targetLocation.z) { console.warn( 'Tripwire trip event at tick ' + system.currentTick + (tripWireTripEvent.sources.length > 0 ? ' by entity ' + tripWireTripEvent.sources[0].id : ''), ); }});}
Block impacted by this event.
Dimension that contains the block that is the subject of this event.
Whether or not the block has redstone power.
The sources that triggered the trip wire to trip.
Contains information related to changes to a trip wire trip.
Example: tripWireTripEvent.ts