Registers a script-based event handler for handling what happens when an entity spawns.

// Register a new function that is called when a new entity is created.
import { world, EntitySpawnAfterEvent } from '@minecraft/server';

world.afterEvents.entitySpawn.subscribe((entityEvent: EntitySpawnAfterEvent) => {
const spawnLocation = entityEvent.entity.location;
`New entity of type '${entityEvent.entity.typeId}' spawned at ${spawnLocation.x}, ${spawnLocation.y}, ${spawnLocation.z}!`,


  • Beta


    • callback: (arg: EntitySpawnAfterEvent) => void

      Original function that was passed into the subscribe event, that is to be unregistered.

    Returns void

    Unregisters a method that was previously subscribed to the subscription event.

    This function can't be called in read-only mode.