A class that wraps the state of a world - a set of dimensions and the environment of Minecraft.


afterEvents: WorldAfterEvents

Contains a set of events that are applicable to the entirety of the world. Event callbacks are called in a deferred manner. Event callbacks are executed in read-write mode.

import { world } from "@minecraft/server";

const callback = world.afterEvents.itemUseOn.subscribe((event) => {
if (event.itemStack.typeId == "minecraft:water_bucket") {
event.source.sendMessage("You used water bucket once.");

// Unsubscribe callback after first use
beforeEvents: WorldBeforeEvents

Contains a set of events that are applicable to the entirety of the world. Event callbacks are called immediately. Event callbacks are executed in read-only mode.

// Check out how BeforeEvents privilege system work:
// https://wiki.bedrock.dev/scripting/script-server.html#beforeevents-privilege-system
import { world, system, TimeOfDay } from "@minecraft/server";

// Use system.run()
world.beforeEvents.chatSend.subscribe((event) => {
event.cancel = true;
// setTime changes world state, must be run after its execution by a tick
system.run(() => {

function sleep(ticks) {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
system.runTimeout(() => resolve(), ticks);

// Or execute function at a later tick using async functions
world.beforeEvents.chatSend.subscribe(async (event) => {
// synchronous code
event.cancel = true;

// asynchronous code
await sleep(10); // Pretend you have a sleep function that returns a promise that resolves in 10 ticks
import { system, world } from "@minecraft/server";

const callback = world.beforeEvents.itemUseOn.subscribe((event) => {
if (event.itemStack.typeId == "minecraft:water_bucket") {
"You cannot use water bucket at this time, please try again."
event.cancel = true;

// Unsubscribe callback after first use
system.run(() => world.beforeEvents.itemUseOn.unsubscribe(callback));
gameRules: GameRules

The game rules that apply to the world.

import { world } from "@minecraft/server";

world.gameRules.doDayLightCycle = false;
world.gameRules.doEntityDrops = false;
world.gameRules.doFireTick = false;
world.gameRules.doWeatherCycle = false;
world.gameRules.doMobSpawning = false;
scoreboard: Scoreboard

Returns the general global scoreboard that applies to the world.

import { world } from "@minecraft/server";
const money = world.scoreboard.getObjective("money");
structureManager: StructureManager

Returns the manager for Structure related APIs.

import { world } from "@minecraft/server";

world.structureManager.getWorldStructureIds().forEach((id) => {
const structure = world.structureManager.get(id);


  • Returns void

    Clears the set of dynamic properties declared for this behavior pack within the world.

    import { world } from "@minecraft/server";

  • Returns number

    Returns the absolute time since the start of the world.

    import { world } from "@minecraft/server";

    const gametime = world.getAbsoluteTime();
    world.sendMessage("Current gametime: " + gametime);
  • Returns Player[]

    Returns an array of all active players within the world.

    This function can throw errors.

    import { EntityHealthComponent, system, world } from "@minecraft/server";

    system.runInterval(() => {
    for (const player of world.getPlayers()) {
    const health = player.getComponent(EntityHealthComponent.componentId);
    `Name: ${
    } | Health: ${health.currentValue.toFixed()} / ${
    }, 5000);
  • Returns number

    The current day, determined by the world time divided by the number of ticks per day. New worlds start at day 0.

    Returns the current day.

    import { world } from "@minecraft/server";

    world.sendMessage("Day " + world.getDay());
  • Returns Vector3

    The default Overworld spawn location. By default, the Y coordinate is 32767, indicating a player's spawn height is not fixed and will be determined by surrounding blocks.

    Returns the default Overworld spawn location.

    import { world } from "@minecraft/server";

    const spawnLocation = world.getDefaultSpawnLocation();
    `Spawn location: ${spawnLocation.x}, ${spawnLocation.y}, ${spawnLocation.z}`
  • Parameters

    • dimensionId: string

      The name of the dimension. For example, "overworld", "nether" or "the_end".

    Returns Dimension

    The requested dimension

    Returns a dimension object.

    Throws if the given dimension name is invalid

    import { world } from "@minecraft/server";

    import { world } from "@minecraft/server";

    import { world } from "@minecraft/server";

  • Parameters

    • identifier: string

      The property identifier.

    Returns string | number | boolean | Vector3

    Returns the value for the property, or undefined if the property has not been set.

    Returns a property value.

    Throws if the given dynamic property identifier is not defined.

    import * as mc from '@minecraft/server';

    function incrementProperty(propertyName: string): boolean {
    let number = mc.world.getDynamicProperty(propertyName);

    console.warn('Current value is: ' + number);

    if (number === undefined) {
    number = 0;

    if (typeof number !== 'number') {
    console.warn('Number is of an unexpected type.');
    return false;

    mc.world.setDynamicProperty(propertyName, number + 1);
    return true;

    import * as mc from '@minecraft/server';

    function updateWorldProperty(propertyName: string): boolean {
    let paintStr = mc.world.getDynamicProperty(propertyName);
    let paint: { color: string; intensity: number } | undefined = undefined;

    console.log('Current value is: ' + paintStr);

    if (paintStr === undefined) {
    paint = {
    color: 'purple',
    intensity: 0,
    } else {
    if (typeof paintStr !== 'string') {
    console.warn('Paint is of an unexpected type.');
    return false;

    try {
    paint = JSON.parse(paintStr);
    } catch (e) {
    console.warn('Error parsing serialized struct.');
    return false;

    if (!paint) {
    console.warn('Error parsing serialized struct.');
    return false;

    paintStr = JSON.stringify(paint); // be very careful to ensure your serialized JSON str cannot exceed limits
    mc.world.setDynamicProperty(propertyName, paintStr);

    return true;

  • Returns string[]

    A string array of active dynamic property identifiers.

    Gets a set of dynamic property identifiers that have been set in this world.

    import { world } from "@minecraft/server";

    world.getDynamicPropertyIds().forEach((id) => {
    const value = world.getDynamicProperty(id)!;
    world.sendMessage(`Dynamic property ${id} has value ${value}`);
    "There are " + world.getDynamicPropertyIds().length + " dynamic properties"
  • Returns number

    Gets the total byte count of dynamic properties. This could potentially be used for your own analytics to ensure you're not storing gigantic sets of dynamic properties.

    import { world } from "@minecraft/server";

  • Parameters

    • id: string

      The id of the entity.

    Returns Entity

    The requested entity object.

    Returns an entity based on the provided id.

    Throws if the given entity id is invalid.

    import { world } from "@minecraft/server";

    // Entity::id - format: '-451021564564561'
    const entityId = world
    { x: 0, y: 70, z: 0 },
    { initialPersistence: true }
    world.getEntity(entityId).typeId; // minecraft:npc
  • Returns MoonPhase

    Returns the MoonPhase for the current time.

    import { MoonPhase, world } from "@minecraft/server";

    // Get the current moon phase
    const moonPhase: MoonPhase = world.getMoonPhase();

    // Display a message based on the current moon phase
    switch (moonPhase) {
    case MoonPhase.FullMoon:
    world.sendMessage("It's full moon!");
    case MoonPhase.WaningGibbous:
    world.sendMessage("It's waning gibbous moon!");
    // Add cases for other moon phases as needed
    world.sendMessage("It's another phase of the moon.");
  • Parameters

    • Optionaloptions: EntityQueryOptions

      Additional options that can be used to filter the set of players returned.

    Returns Player[]

    A player array.

    Returns a set of players based on a set of conditions defined via the EntityQueryOptions set of filter criteria.

    Throws if the provided EntityQueryOptions are invalid.

    import { world } from "@minecraft/server";
    world.getPlayers({ families: ["player"] });
    import { EntityQueryOptions, world } from "@minecraft/server";

    const entityQueryOptions: EntityQueryOptions = {
    minLevel: 10,
    maxLevel: 30,
    tags: ["team_red"],
    excludeNames: ["Admin"],

    const filteredPlayers = world.getPlayers(entityQueryOptions);
    "Filtered Players:",
    filteredPlayers.map((player) => player.name)
  • Returns number

    The time of day, in ticks, between 0 and 24000.

    Returns the time of day.

    import { TimeOfDay, system, world } from "@minecraft/server";

    function GetWorldTime() {
    const daytime = world.getTimeOfDay() + 6000;
    const datetime = new Date(daytime * 3.6 * 1000);
    const hours =
    datetime.getHours() < 10
    ? "0" + datetime.getHours()
    : datetime.getHours();
    const minutes =
    datetime.getMinutes() < 10
    ? "0" + datetime.getMinutes()
    : datetime.getMinutes();

    return { hours, minutes };

    system.runInterval(() => {
    const { hours, minutes } = GetWorldTime();
    for (const player of world.getAllPlayers()) {
    player.onScreenDisplay.setActionBar(`Time - ${hours}:${minutes}`);
  • Parameters

    Returns void

    Plays a particular music track for all players.

    This function can't be called in read-only mode.

    This function can throw errors.

    import { world, MusicOptions, WorldSoundOptions, PlayerSoundOptions, Vector3 } from '@minecraft/server';
    import { MinecraftDimensionTypes } from '@minecraft/vanilla-data';

    const players = world.getPlayers();
    const targetLocation: Vector3 = {
    x: 0,
    y: 0,
    z: 0,

    const musicOptions: MusicOptions = {
    fade: 0.5,
    loop: true,
    volume: 1.0,
    world.playMusic('music.menu', musicOptions);

    const worldSoundOptions: WorldSoundOptions = {
    pitch: 0.5,
    volume: 4.0,
    const overworld = world.getDimension(MinecraftDimensionTypes.Overworld);
    overworld.playSound('ambient.weather.thunder', targetLocation, worldSoundOptions);

    const playerSoundOptions: PlayerSoundOptions = {
    pitch: 1.0,
    volume: 1.0,

    players[0].playSound('bucket.fill_water', playerSoundOptions);
  • Parameters

    Returns void

    Plays a sound for all players. DEPRECATED: Use Dimension.playSound.

    This function can't be called in read-only mode.

    An error will be thrown if volume is less than 0.0. An error will be thrown if fade is less than 0.0. An error will be thrown if pitch is less than 0.01. An error will be thrown if volume is less than 0.0.

    import { world, MusicOptions, WorldSoundOptions, PlayerSoundOptions, Vector3 } from '@minecraft/server';
    import { MinecraftDimensionTypes } from '@minecraft/vanilla-data';

    const players = world.getPlayers();
    const targetLocation: Vector3 = {
    x: 0,
    y: 0,
    z: 0,

    const musicOptions: MusicOptions = {
    fade: 0.5,
    loop: true,
    volume: 1.0,
    world.playMusic('music.menu', musicOptions);

    const worldSoundOptions: WorldSoundOptions = {
    pitch: 0.5,
    volume: 4.0,
    const overworld = world.getDimension(MinecraftDimensionTypes.Overworld);
    overworld.playSound('ambient.weather.thunder', targetLocation, worldSoundOptions);

    const playerSoundOptions: PlayerSoundOptions = {
    pitch: 1.0,
    volume: 1.0,

    players[0].playSound('bucket.fill_water', playerSoundOptions);
  • Parameters

    • trackId: string

      Identifier of the music track to play.

    • OptionalmusicOptions: MusicOptions

      Additional options for the music track.

    Returns void

    Queues an additional music track for players. If a track is not playing, a music track will play.

    This function can't be called in read-only mode.

    An error will be thrown if volume is less than 0.0. An error will be thrown if fade is less than 0.0.

    import { world } from "@minecraft/server";

    world.queueMusic("music.game.swamp_music", { loop: true });
  • Parameters

    Returns void

    Sends a message to all players.

    This method can throw if the provided RawMessage is in an invalid format. For example, if an empty name string is provided to score.

    import { world } from '@minecraft/server';

    // Displays "Apple or Coal"
    const rawMessage = {
    translate: 'accessibility.list.or.two',
    with: { rawtext: [{ translate: 'item.apple.name' }, { translate: 'item.coal.name' }] },
    import { world } from '@minecraft/server';

    // Displays the player's score for objective "obj". Each player will see their own score.
    const rawMessage = { score: { name: '*', objective: 'obj' } };
    import { world } from '@minecraft/server';

    // Displays "Hello, world!"
    world.sendMessage('Hello, world!');
    import { world } from '@minecraft/server';

    // Displays "First or Second"
    const rawMessage = { translate: 'accessibility.list.or.two', with: ['First', 'Second'] };
  • Parameters

    • absoluteTime: number

      The world time, in ticks.

    Returns void

    Sets the world time.

    This function can't be called in read-only mode.

    import { TimeOfDay, world } from "@minecraft/server";
  • Parameters

    • spawnLocation: Vector3

      Location of the spawn point. Note that this is assumed to be within the overworld dimension.

    Returns void

    Sets a default spawn location for all players.

    This function can't be called in read-only mode.

    Throws if the provided spawn location is out of bounds.



    import { world } from "@minecraft/server";

    x: 0,
    y: -64,
    z: 0,
  • Parameters

    • identifier: string

      The property identifier.

    • Optionalvalue: string | number | boolean | Vector3

      Data value of the property to set.

    Returns void

    Sets a specified property to a value.

    Throws if the given dynamic property identifier is not defined.

    import * as mc from '@minecraft/server';

    function incrementProperty(propertyName: string): boolean {
    let number = mc.world.getDynamicProperty(propertyName);

    console.warn('Current value is: ' + number);

    if (number === undefined) {
    number = 0;

    if (typeof number !== 'number') {
    console.warn('Number is of an unexpected type.');
    return false;

    mc.world.setDynamicProperty(propertyName, number + 1);
    return true;

    import * as mc from '@minecraft/server';

    function updateWorldProperty(propertyName: string): boolean {
    let paintStr = mc.world.getDynamicProperty(propertyName);
    let paint: { color: string; intensity: number } | undefined = undefined;

    console.log('Current value is: ' + paintStr);

    if (paintStr === undefined) {
    paint = {
    color: 'purple',
    intensity: 0,
    } else {
    if (typeof paintStr !== 'string') {
    console.warn('Paint is of an unexpected type.');
    return false;

    try {
    paint = JSON.parse(paintStr);
    } catch (e) {
    console.warn('Error parsing serialized struct.');
    return false;

    if (!paint) {
    console.warn('Error parsing serialized struct.');
    return false;

    paintStr = JSON.stringify(paint); // be very careful to ensure your serialized JSON str cannot exceed limits
    mc.world.setDynamicProperty(propertyName, paintStr);

    return true;

  • Parameters

    • timeOfDay: number

      The time of day, in ticks, between 0 and 24000.

    Returns void

    Sets the time of day.

    This function can't be called in read-only mode.

    Throws if the provided time of day is not within the valid range.

    import { TimeOfDay, world } from "@minecraft/server";

    import { TimeOfDay, world } from "@minecraft/server";

  • Returns void

    Stops any music tracks from playing.

    This function can't be called in read-only mode.

    import { world } from "@minecraft/server";
