Used to create a fully customizable pop-up form for a player.
import { Player } from '@minecraft/server';import { ModalFormData } from '@minecraft/server-ui';function showExampleModal(player: Player) { const modalForm = new ModalFormData().title('Example Modal Controls for §o§7ModalFormData§r'); modalForm.toggle('Toggle w/o default'); modalForm.toggle('Toggle w/ default', true); modalForm.slider('Slider w/o default', 0, 50, 5); modalForm.slider('Slider w/ default', 0, 50, 5, 30); modalForm.dropdown('Dropdown w/o default', ['option 1', 'option 2', 'option 3']); modalForm.dropdown('Dropdown w/ default', ['option 1', 'option 2', 'option 3'], 2); modalForm.textField('Input w/o default', 'type text here'); modalForm.textField('Input w/ default', 'type text here', 'this is default'); modalForm .show(player) .then(formData => { player.sendMessage(`Modal form results: ${JSON.stringify(formData.formValues, undefined, 2)}`); }) .catch((error: Error) => { player.sendMessage('Failed to show form: ' + error); return -1; });} Copy
import { Player } from '@minecraft/server';import { ModalFormData } from '@minecraft/server-ui';function showExampleModal(player: Player) { const modalForm = new ModalFormData().title('Example Modal Controls for §o§7ModalFormData§r'); modalForm.toggle('Toggle w/o default'); modalForm.toggle('Toggle w/ default', true); modalForm.slider('Slider w/o default', 0, 50, 5); modalForm.slider('Slider w/ default', 0, 50, 5, 30); modalForm.dropdown('Dropdown w/o default', ['option 1', 'option 2', 'option 3']); modalForm.dropdown('Dropdown w/ default', ['option 1', 'option 2', 'option 3'], 2); modalForm.textField('Input w/o default', 'type text here'); modalForm.textField('Input w/ default', 'type text here', 'this is default'); modalForm .show(player) .then(formData => { player.sendMessage(`Modal form results: ${JSON.stringify(formData.formValues, undefined, 2)}`); }) .catch((error: Error) => { player.sendMessage('Failed to show form: ' + error); return -1; });}
Adds a dropdown with choices to the form.
Player to show this dialog to.
Creates and shows this modal popup form. Returns asynchronously when the player confirms or cancels the dialog.
This function can't be called in read-only mode.
This function can throw errors.
Adds a numeric slider to the form.
Adds a textbox to the form.
This builder method sets the title for the modal dialog.
Adds a toggle checkbox button to the form.
Used to create a fully customizable pop-up form for a player.
Example: modalFormSimple.ts