The location of the explosion.
Radius, in blocks, of the explosion to create.
explosionOptions: ExplosionOptionsAdditional configurable options for the explosion.
Creates an explosion at the specified location.
This function can't be called in read-only mode.
// Creates an explosion of radius 15 that does not break blocks
import { DimensionLocation } from '@minecraft/server';
function createExplosions(location: DimensionLocation) {
// Creates an explosion of radius 15 that does not break blocks
location.dimension.createExplosion(location, 15, { breaksBlocks: false });
// Creates an explosion of radius 15 that does not cause fire
location.dimension.createExplosion(location, 15, { causesFire: true });
// Creates an explosion of radius 10 that can go underwater
location.dimension.createExplosion(location, 10, { allowUnderwater: true });
Location from where to initiate the ray check.
Vector direction to cast the ray.
options: BlockRaycastOptionsAdditional options for processing this raycast query.
options: EntityQueryOptionsAdditional options that can be used to filter the set of entities returned.
An entity array.
Returns a set of entities based on a set of conditions defined via the EntityQueryOptions set of filter criteria.
import { DimensionLocation, EntityComponentTypes } from "@minecraft/server";
// Returns true if a feather item entity is within 'distance' blocks of 'location'.
function isFeatherNear(location: DimensionLocation, distance: number): boolean {
const items = location.dimension.getEntities({
location: location,
maxDistance: 20,
for (const item of items) {
const itemComp = item.getComponent(EntityComponentTypes.Item);
if (itemComp) {
if (itemComp.itemStack.typeId.endsWith('feather')) {
return true;
return false;
import { EntityQueryOptions, DimensionLocation } from '@minecraft/server';
function mobParty(targetLocation: DimensionLocation) {
const mobs = ['creeper', 'skeleton', 'sheep'];
// create some sample mob data
for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
const mobTypeId = mobs[i % mobs.length];
const entity = targetLocation.dimension.spawnEntity(mobTypeId, targetLocation);
entity.addTag('mobparty.' + mobTypeId);
const eqo: EntityQueryOptions = {
tags: ['mobparty.skeleton'],
for (const entity of targetLocation.dimension.getEntities(eqo)) {
import { EntityQueryOptions, GameMode, world } from "@minecraft/server";
const options: EntityQueryOptions = {
families: ["mob", "animal"],
excludeTypes: ["cow"],
maxDistance: 50,
excludeGameModes: [GameMode.creative, GameMode.spectator],
const filteredEntities = world.getDimension("overworld").getEntities(options);
"Filtered Entities:", => entity.typeId)
options: EntityRaycastOptionsAdditional options for processing this raycast query.
options: EntityQueryOptionsAdditional options that can be used to filter the set of players returned.
A player array.
Returns a set of players based on a set of conditions defined via the EntityQueryOptions set of filter criteria.
import { EntityQueryOptions, world } from "@minecraft/server";
const entityQueryOptions: EntityQueryOptions = {
maxDistance: 100,
scoreOptions: [
{ objective: "kills", minScore: 10 },
{ objective: "deaths", maxScore: 5 },
const filteredPlayers = world
"Filtered Players in Overworld:", =>
soundOptions: WorldSoundOptionsCommand to run. Note that command strings should not start with slash.
Returns a command result with a count of successful values from the command.
Runs a command synchronously using the context of the broader dimenion.
This function can't be called in read-only mode.
Command to run. Note that command strings should not start with slash.
For commands that return data, returns a CommandResult with an indicator of command results.
Set the type of weather to apply.
duration: numberSets the duration of the weather (in ticks). If no duration is provided, the duration will be set to a random duration between 300 and 900 seconds.
Identifier of the type of entity to spawn. If no namespace is specified, 'minecraft:' is assumed.
The location at which to create the entity.
Newly created entity at the specified location.
Creates a new entity (e.g., a mob) at the specified location.
This function can't be called in read-only mode.
// Spawns an adult horse
import { DimensionLocation } from '@minecraft/server';
function spawnAdultHorse(location: DimensionLocation) {
// Create a horse and triggering the 'ageable_grow_up' event, ensuring the horse is created as an adult
location.dimension.spawnEntity('minecraft:horse<minecraft:ageable_grow_up>', location);
// Spawns a fox over a dog
import { DimensionLocation } from '@minecraft/server';
import { MinecraftEntityTypes } from '@minecraft/vanilla-data';
function spawnAdultHorse(location: DimensionLocation) {
// Create fox (our quick brown fox)
const fox = location.dimension.spawnEntity(MinecraftEntityTypes.Fox, {
x: location.x,
y: location.y + 2,
z: location.z,
fox.addEffect('speed', 10, {
amplifier: 2,
// Create wolf (our lazy dog)
const wolf = location.dimension.spawnEntity(MinecraftEntityTypes.Wolf, location);
wolf.addEffect('slowness', 10, {
amplifier: 2,
wolf.isSneaking = true;
Newly created item stack entity at the specified location.
Creates a new item stack as an entity at the specified location.
This function can't be called in read-only mode.
// Spawns a feather at a location
import { ItemStack, DimensionLocation } from '@minecraft/server';
import { MinecraftItemTypes } from '@minecraft/vanilla-data';
function spawnFeather(location: DimensionLocation) {
const featherItem = new ItemStack(MinecraftItemTypes.Feather, 1);
location.dimension.spawnItem(featherItem, location);
Identifier of the particle to create.
The location at which to create the particle emitter.
molangVariables: MolangVariableMapA set of optional, customizable variables that can be adjusted for this particle.
Creates a new particle emitter at a specified location in the world.
This function can't be called in read-only mode.
// A function that spawns a particle at a random location near the target location for all players in the server
import { world, MolangVariableMap, DimensionLocation, Vector3 } from '@minecraft/server';
function spawnConfetti(location: DimensionLocation) {
for (let i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
const molang = new MolangVariableMap();
molang.setColorRGB('variable.color', {
red: Math.random(),
green: Math.random(),
blue: Math.random()
const newLocation: Vector3 = {
x: location.x + Math.floor(Math.random() * 8) - 4,
y: location.y + Math.floor(Math.random() * 8) - 4,
z: location.z + Math.floor(Math.random() * 8) - 4,
location.dimension.spawnParticle('minecraft:colored_flame_particle', newLocation, molang);
A class that represents a particular dimension (e.g., The End) within a world.